in a test bowl with a spinner. set an agressive field. bowl up at a full length. the
batsman should block and the ball should go in the air and your fieolders will catch it .


In a One Dayer (to a right hander) bowl around the wicket amd out swing the ball ad make
the ball pitch on his feet and swing it as far as you can. Eventully the Batsman will try
to hit a straight drive and he will miss it and go out. (this works most of the time)
Happy Gaming.

to unlock a team heavens xi
Hold R1 and L1

then press up up down X triangle square O O


right when bowling a yorker pull the aim as far back as it will go and then u will
normally get a wicket (might not work all the time)
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Haha I copied this cheat

when bowling ... pitch the ball on the foot of the stumps , donot bowl at full speed as
you want thebatsmen to try and loft the ball.he should miss and he will be out
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Bowl Batsmen Out

Choose a fast bowler (Shoaib Akhtar) place the ball on off stump just near the batsmens
legs.......... Now make sure the pace meter is full.. and press Circle with full swing..
as the bowler is runing in keep pressing Circle.... 9/10 the batsmen is bowled.
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batsman out

When bowling to a right hand batter in a one day game, go around the wicket and give him a
yorker going onto leg stump and it will bowl them as they will try to drive you down the
ground for 4.
Grade Cricket 07 cheats

easy wickets in odi
create a leg spinner with all attributies.when bowling bowl from hand side to right
handers and left hand to lefthanders.bowl a legspin and take the cursor for a yorker on
legside to a righthander.most of the times the batsman will play a straight shot and get
bowled.always works for me. good luck with this cheat
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Get 100 runs easy

During a match when you are batting press: L2,L1,L3,R2,R1,R3 and you should get 100 runs
straight away and you can do it again and again to get more runs
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woodworm bats

go to my cricket press

R1 L1 square Circle Down Up Square

then create players then you should get to choose woodworm bats
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Unlock everything

go to my cricket and then press:

R1 R2 L1 L1 cirle right up left and a umpire voice would shout six if he does not say
that u must try the cheat again.
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batsman easily out

while playing one day match chosse a fast bowler (shahid akhti) and the fielding is
aggreasive and the directional button should be on wicket when your bowler begnis his run
up the batsman is bowled or lbw
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Easy Wickets

In a oneday match, get a spinner leg spin or off spin and pitch it up fully just outside
the off stump and have a fielder out and it shold get caught
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to get people easily out

first bowl at full pace metre then bowl at leg stump.(or the batsmens leg) the batsmen
will try a straight drive and easily get out.
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these are d cheats for cricket 07 ps2
press dese buttons while bowling and take 6wickets in 6 balls if u bowl a full pace with
brett lee

get the other team out on 0

when the other team is batting prees start and then prees L2,R2,UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT
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spin out

use a spinner and place the ball on the crease just past the wicket then bowl slow with
full in-spin...

i always knock out the stumps
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stumping batsmen !!!

First set a field with protection everywhere except at point,
then get an offspinner to bowl outside offstump at a short lenth ( but not too short) and
put the speed meter to 0,
this causes the batsmen to advance down the track and try to hit the ball through point
BUT... if they miss the ball the keeper gets the ball so then click trangle to stump .
This is not easy , it's quite hard actually , this works on top order batsmen and
especially indians because they a ageressive. GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!
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The bomb

When in a match move your batsmen far to the leg side till you cant go any more then aim
on ofside and go for six. and dance out of crease. with good enough timing you will hit a
six every time. if it isnt directly on the stumps.
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cricket 07 easy play

while playing a match choose a spin bowler and the cursour would be on stumps when your
bowler begins his run up batsman will bowled


Milan Tomic

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