Resident Evil 4 Cheats

Unlock Chicago Typewriter

This Tommy gun has unlimited ammunition and has a 10.0 Firepower and a TMP-like firing rate. It can be used to kill Veldugo without freezing him and will dispatch Ganados and Los Illuminados almost instantly. It becomes available for purchase for one million Pesetas when you complete the Separate Ways mini-game. To unlock this weapon for the Separate Ways mini-game you must have a cleared saved file for the Separate Ways mini-game and completed Assignment Ada. When you next play the Separate Ways mini-game and load the cleared saved game file the Chicago Typewriter will be available for purchase for 300,000 Pesetas.

Unlock Game Trailers

Remain idle at the 'Title' screen and eventually after a short period of time 2 trailers will start to play and begin to cycle.

Unlock the Gating Gun without the Red Monk Operating It

This is a sneaky little glitch that will make the Gatling gun appear but without the red monk operating it. To do this go through the game normally and allow the red monk to escape. Return to the turret room and the monk will be operating the gattling gun, immediately leave the turret room and go to the main hall with the merchant and 'Save' the game. Re-load the game and enter the turret and chase the red monk until he returns to the turret room. When you now return to the turret room the turret will be raised and the red monk will be outside of the turret ring and without the turret on his side he can be defeated easily

Locks, Traps and Bonus Characters

Opening Locks:
Save ammunition by using your knife to cut locks and open doors.

Avoid Damage from Traps:
When you see a trap (bear traps and explosives) avoid them by keeping your distance and shooting them in the middle using your laser sight.

Unlock Bonus Characters in Mercenaries Mini-Game
Get a 4 star rank in the following areas to unlock the corresponding character.

Unlock Albert Wesker:
Get a 4 Star rank in Waterworld.

Unlock Hunk:
Get a 4 Star rank in Island Commando Base.

Unlock Jack Krauser:
Get a 4 Star rank in Castle.

Unlock Ada Wong:
Get a 4 Star rank in Pueblo.

Unlock P.R.L. 412

On Professional difficulty clear Leon's Story to unlock the PRL 412 weapon. It has two settings (stun and kill) which you activate by holding or tapping the fire button. It also has infinite ammunition.

Unlock Weapon Powers

Custom tune ALL the stats of each of the following weapons to their maximum to unlock the following effect.

Increases firepower to 1.8

Increases firepower to 3.4

Red 9:
Increases firepower to 6.5

Increases firepower to 10.0 and 8.0 at long range

Increases firepower to 30.0

Magazine capacity increases to 100.

Magazine capacity increases to 100. shotgun:
Effective damage range of the gun increases.

Critacal head shot probability increases 5 times.

Bullets are able to penetrate up to 5 bodies.

Semi-Automatic Rifle:
Decreases firing speed to 0.42 seconds.

Broken Butterfly:
Increases damage to 50.0

Homing ability added to mines

Killer7- No change


Character Unlockables

Unlock Ada Wong:
In game type A score 4000 or more points or alternately hit all of the targets on game type A.

Unlock Bella Sisters:
On game type B score 4000 or more points or alternately hit all of the targets on game type B.

Unlock Don Pedro:
In game type C Score 4000 or more points or alternately hit all of the targets on game type C.

Unlock J.J.:
In game type D score 4000 or more points or Hit all the targest in game D except Ashley. Unlock Ashley Graham:
In game type A score 3000 or more points.

Unlock Leon with Rocket Launcher:
In game type A Score 3000 or more points.

Unlock Leon with Shotgun:
In game type A score 3000 or more points.

Unlock Leon with Handgun:
In game type A score 3000 or more points. Unlock Luis Sera:
In game type A score 3000 or more points.

Unlock Don Diego:
In game type B score 3000 or more points.

Unlock Don Esteban:
In game type B score 3000 or more points.

Unlock Don Jose:
In game type B score 3000 or more points.

Unlock Don Manuel:
In game type B score 3000 or more points.

Unlock Dr. Salvador:
In game type B score 3000 or more points.

Unlock Zealot with Bowgun, Zealot with Scythe, Zealot with Shield:
In game type C score 3000 or more points

Unlock Leader Zealot:
In game type C score 3000 or more points.

Unlock Merchant:
In game type C score 3000 or more points. Unlock Isabel:
In game type D score 3000 or more points.

Unlock Maria:
In game type D score 3000 or more points.

Unlock Soldier with Dynamite, Soldier with Hammer, Soldier with Stun-rod:
In game type D score 3000 or more points.

Various Unlockables

Unlock Special Clothes for Ada, Leon and Ashley:
Beat the main game. Unlock Alternate Title Screen:
Complete the main game once.

Unlock Seperate Ways (Ada's Bonus Game):
Beat the main game once. Unlock Ashley's Knight Armor Outfit:
Beat Seperate Ways.

Unlock Leon's Gangster Outfit:
Beat Seperate Ways. Unlock Chicago Typewriter (Main Game):
Beat Seperate Ways.

Unlock Chicago Typewriter (Seperate Ways):
Beat Assignment Ada.

Unlock Handcannon:
Have each mercenary get a five star rating on all of the stages.

Unlock Professional Difficulty Setting:
Beat the main game once.

Unlock Plagas Laser Cannon:
Beat the game on Professional difficulty setting.

Unlock P.R.L 412:
Beat Professional difficulty setting

Unlock Infinite Rocket Launcher:
Beat the game once. Unlock Matilda:
Beat the game once.

Unlock Mercenaries:
Beat the main game once.

Unlock Movie Browser:
Beat the game

Mercenaries Mode unlockables

Unlock Ada:
Beat the Pueblo level with a 4 Star rank

Unlock Albert Wesker:
Beat the Waterworld with a 4 Star rank

Unlock Jack Krauser:
Beat the Castle with a 4 Star rank

Unlock Hunk:
Beat the Commando Base with a 4 Star rank

Unlock Handcannon:
Get 5 Star rankings on All levels with All the characters

Ultimate gun

In the first game before the truck crash, don't go in the house instead go to the behind of the truck the use your knife 20 times slice and 30 shot of your pistol,,
When the "climb" appear, climb and look at the top of the truck, there you go, an ultimate gun, it always pop up the heads of fuking ganados

how to get 1000,000 gold

Get 10 guns upgrade all the guns to 100,000 gold to sell to the merchant. Sell all the guns.Now you have 1000,000 gold.

A little secret

Ok I was just playing Resident evil 4 when I held down R1 and right before the light appeared I press start and changed my weapon and the next thing I knew I was Walking/Running faster and I was also knifing faster but when I press start I stop running/walking fast?

Easy way to kill the Ramon Salazar boss.

When Salazard and his right/left hand becomes the monster.
And gets the huge Tentacle.
Stand infront of the tentacle with the eye.
Shot the eye a few times.
The best way( In my opinion) Is to shoot the eye with a fully upgraded shotgun or use a magnum gun. ( The magnun gun works best when the firepower is fully upgraded)
When the cutscene appears and the ''Cage'' opens and the ''Man thing'' gets out.
Just shoot it with a Rocket Launcher.
It takes one shot.

This way is very easy!
But.. Dont miss with the Launcher (Unless it has unlimated shots)

Get killed by Luis

When your in the cabin and you and Luis fights together, just shoot him a few times and it will come a cutscene where he says: Adjos Leaon.
And he will shoot you in the chest and you will get game over


Ok,get the action replay max cheat to play as leon,then beat assiment ada as ada,then get the chicgo typriter,then save and then activate the play as leon cheat ecuipet the chicgo typewriter and do the pose thing and since leon doesnt have the pimpsuit on,he wont trow anything up


Seperate Ways:Complete the game
Assignment Ada:Complete the game
The Mercinaries:Complete the game
Leons R.P.D costume:Complete the game on Easy difficulty
Movie Browser:Complete the game

cool guns(unlockable)

To unlock the infinte rockets and matilda(3 round burst pistol)beat game on any mode 1 unlock my favorite the chicago type-writer beat assinment ada mini game and seperate ways,look forget what you heard ok I have the gun those other people don't know what there saying.anyway to unlock the p.r.l beat the game on unlock the hand connon get 5 star rank with every character on mercinarys mini-game.


The Ditman glitch

To do this just pull out the striker shotgun, aim then before the laser comes out press start and choose a different weapon. The glitch lets you run faster, shoot faster, and slice/dice with your knife faster. The glitch will end if you kick, suplex, dodge, get hurt, or go through doors

Killing chainsaw guys.

To kill Las Plagas carrying chainsaws, use a high strength sniper to keep them stumbling even when they get close, never turn away from them.

There is many other ways but I find this the easiest.

secret weapons

complete the game on easy to unlock infinate rocket launcher and the matilda (revolver) once you complete the game go on extras and complete assignment ada to unlock the chigago typewriter (tommy gun infinate ammo) but it is only in seperate ways in extras so you complete seperate ways to ulock it in the main game

Things to know

Most tresure can be combined to make it more valuable so don't sell all of your tresure.

Tresure you may not have found
Past the door were you put the kings and queens grail there is a window you can jump out this will lead you to the butterflie lamp thats out side the room were ashly gets kidnaped buy the flying bugs. In that room were ashly gets taken there is a thing hanging from the roof if you keep shooting at it it will fall unlocking a secret cut scene and leaving you eith lots of red,blue and green eyes to combine with the butterflie lamp.

Unlockable games and Special costume
When you clear the main game you unlock leons R.P.D costume, the infinite rocket launcher for 100000, the chigago typriter machine gun for 100000, the seprate ways mini game, assignment ada, and the mercinaries. If you clear the seprate ways mini game You get specail costume 2 witch give leon a gangster suit and ashley a knights armor. Ashelys armor makes hey invincable to anything and when someone trys to pick her up the will fall under her waight. If you clear every level of the mercinaries with a 5 star rank with ever charachter you get the hand cannon gun for free of the merchant.

Leon showingoff
When leon is in his gangster gear equip the chigago typwriter and reload he will do a little action with his hat if you do this 3 or 4 times he will throw his hat in to the air and knell down and catch it

Ammo saving

If you want to save ammo ( this works great for professional mode), here's what you do: when fighting regular gonadoes shoot them in the leg, then kick them to the ground (if their not already laying down), now knife them while their down.
Done correctly and you can save alot of ammo you'll need later for the big mobs and bosses.

Save health for leon & ashlay

Leave Ashlay behind zombie proof place & fight with zombies & then call her

Easy kills

When a Plagus explodes from the head of the people, use a flash grenade and it will die immidiatly.

Save your ammo

To save ammo when killing single small enimies shoot the legs till they fall down then slash them w/ your knife. Also shoot them in the head and kick them. It simple.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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