Guitar Hero 2 Walkthroughs

1. Introduction.................................[intd]

2. Game Information.............................[ginf]

3. How to Play..................................[htop]
a. Basic Controls and features..........[basc]
b. Star Power...........................[strp]
c. Difficulty Levels....................[difl]
d. Hammer-ons and Pull-Offs.............[hmpo]

4. Career Mode.................................[carr]
a. The Venues..........................[vene]
b. Earning Cash........................[shny]
c. Unlocking Items at The Store........[ulok]

5. Song List...................................[musc]

6. Multiplayer.................................[mlti]
a. Co-op Mode..........................[coop]
b. Versus Mode.........................[vrss]
c. Pro-Face off Mode...................[prmd]

7. Practice Mode...............................[prct]

8. Misc. Information...........................[mici]
a. Character List......................[chrl]
b. Cheats and Secrets..................[chsc]

9. Frequently Asked Questions..................[faks]

10. Version History............................[vsht]

11. Final Thoughts.............................[fnal]
a. Legal Information...................[chcc]
b. Contact Information.................[cntc]
c. Credits.............................[kthx]

| /¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |
| | __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ Introduction \|
| \__/ Code[intd] \_________________________/|

I tried my best to organize this FAQ in a way so it's easy to find the
information you are searching for. It's very difficult for me to be critical
of my own work so I encourage you to email me with suggestions, comments, or
recommendations for additions to this FAQ. I also love to see someone email me
about my work so please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to
comment on anything in this FAQ. Thanks for glancing at my FAQ and I hope you

| /¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |
| | __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ Game Information \|
| \__/ Code[ginf] \_________________________/|

Guitar Hero II

Developed by Harmonix Music Systems

~Individual Credits~

Project Lead: Daniel Sussman
Producer: Elena Siegman
Producer: Tracy Rosenthal-Newsom
Associate Producer: Helen McWilliams
Programming Lead: James Fleming
Audio Lead: Eric Brasius
Game Designer: Chris Sanfield
Art Lead: Dave Matheson

~Release Dates~

US Release Date: November 7th, 2006
Australia Release Date: November 15th, 2006
Europe Release Date: November 24th, 2006

Rated "T" by the ESRB

| /¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |
| | __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ How To Play \|
| \__/ Code[htop] \_________________________/|

In case it's not assumed, all instructions given in this section deal with the
custom Guitar Controller.

/¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
| __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ The Basics of Gameplay \
\__/ Code[strp] \_________________________/

On your Guitar, you will see an array of controls that include 5 buttons on the
top of the guitar called "fret buttons", a strum bar in the middle of the lower
part of the guitar and a the whammy bar which has the ability to produce some
of the most excellent sounding notes one could even think of. Each of the five
frets has a unique color, that being, green, red, yellow, blue, and orange.
The Strum bar along with the red and green frets will be your primary controls
for navigating the menu system. Flick the strum bar up and down to move your
selector on the menu and then hit the green fret to selected the highlighted
menu option or hit the red fret to go back in the menu.

Actual game play works like this: Once you have selected a song, colored notes
will start to fall vertically from the screen. At the bottom of the screen,
you will notice 5 large circles that the notes are falling toward. The idea is
the hold down the fret associated with each note falling and then hit the strum
bar as the note passes over the circle. The guitar itself plays like a real
guitar in the fact that you can hold down lower notes while playing higher
notes. For clarity, green is the lowest note on the guitar and orange would
then be the highest note. So, if you see a yellow note passing, you can hold
down the green or red note while also holding down the yellow note and hitting
the strum bar as the note passes and still get credit. It should be noted that
this technique does not work with chords (Chords are groups of two or three
notes). Note that the colors will be reserved if you choose left-handed mode.

There are two primary notes you should take note of. The first kind is a
normal note; It's just a colored circle on the note chart. The second is a
held note. It looks like your standard note except it has a line immediately
following it. To play these notes, you strum as the note passes over and then
without letting go, you hold down the fret, not the strum bar. As long as you
hold down the fret, you will get points. If you let go of the fret before the
line is completed, you don't lose your multiplier but you do lose all the
potential points you could have got from holding down the note for the whole
duration. This is also where the whammy bar comes in handy. Flick it up and
down to score some bonus points on those held notes - the faster you flick, the
more points you get.

While playing a song, there are a few pieces of information made available to
you that you should be aware of. They include your score, your multiplier,
your Star Power meter (discussed below) and your Rock meter. Your rock meter
has the word "Rock" written right in the middle and basically shows you how
well you are doing. If the rock meter points to the green, you are Rockin'
pretty hard. If it points to the red, you aren't rocking much at all. You
start each song being placed in the middle, yellow, part of the meter. As you
rack up a combo and hit notes, the Rock meter moves toward the green. If you
suck and miss notes, it moves toward the red. If it gets to the very end of
the red part of the meter, you lose and must restart. All you have to do to
beat a song is to complete it without letting your rock meter get too low.
Simple, no?

The Multiplier is another little piece of information you should be aware of.
It is located on the left part of your screen and has 10 little dots above it.
Those ten little dots each represent a note in your current combo. After
filling those ten dots, your multiplier will go up to 2x. Fill them again
without losing your combo and it will go to 3x and if you do it once more, it
hit the maximum multiplier of 4x. If you make any mistakes, your multiplier
gets completely erased you and you must start over at 1x. The key to a high
score is to keep your multiplier at 4x for as long as possible.

/¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
| __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ Star Power \
\__/ Code[strp] \_________________________/

Before we start discussing this section, we should first explain what star
power is. Star power is represented by the blue gauge above the Rock Meter.
You receive Star Power by clearing a section of notes that are shaped like
stars without making a mistake. You also receive Star Power when bending
(whammying) the held notes shaped like stars. Once you have the gauge
half-filled (Indicated by the white line in the middle of the gauge, you can
activate your star power by either lifting the guitar vertically or hitting the
select button on the guitar. Most people will just lift the guitar as it
leaves less room for error. Once active, the star power will slowly drain
until it is completely gone. While the star power is active, you cannot
receive additional star power. The two primary reasons to use star power are
either to help you pass a rather difficult section of a song or to boost your

When struggling with a certain part of a song that you cannot get past
normally, it is usually sensible to save your star power for that section to
help you get through it. Why this works is because when your star power is
activated, your Rock Meter will fill much faster then normal so you have to hit
fewer notes to actually get through a section of the song without failing. The
other reason is to boost your score. When your star power is active, your
multiplier is doubled so if you have a 4x multiplier normally, it will shoot up
to x8! Thus, it is obvious that if you are going for a high score, the best
place the use your star power would be when you have a 4x multiplier during a
section with many notes as it will provide the best opportunity to achieve the
maximum benefit from your star power.

It should also be noted that you can only hold a certain amount of star power
before you fill your gauge completely. It is an amount equivalent to hitting 4
star sections assuming that there were no long notes. If you a going for a
high score, try not to waste star power by playing sections of star notes while
you have full star power.

/¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
| __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ Difficulty Levels \
\__/ Code[difl] \_________________________/

Guitar Hero II offers 4 modes of difficulty. Those being Easy, Medium, Hard,
and Expert. Easy mode offers note charts that include the first three notes on
the guitar, those being Green, Red, and Yellow. Medium Difficulty adds the
blue note to the mix and Hard mode includes all 5 Keys. Expert mode includes
more difficult versions of the Hard note charts and throw Three-Note chords
around rather liberally. You will get different rewards for completing the
game on different difficulty levels.

/¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
| __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ Hammer-ons and Pull-offs \
\__/ Code[hmpo] \_________________________/

There are a few advanced techniques that you should be aware of that you
progress through the game. Two of the most important techniques include
Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs. These techniques will allow you to hit many notes in
quick succession without actually hitting the strum bar for all of them and are
a key technique to getting those really fast lines of notes. Although they
both allow you to do the same thing, they function a little bit differently.
Hammer-Ons are done by pressing down the frets as the notes scroll by without
actually hitting the strum bar. Pull-Offs involve you holding down a series of
notes that are passing in quick succession and "Pulling Off"
of each note as it passes. For example, if you have a run of BYRG coming up,
you could hold down all four notes and as each individual note passes, you
could let go of each note indivdiually. You can only do this with notes that
come in
quick succession excluding repeating notes. You can actually tell which notes
can be played with a Hammer-On or a Pull-Off as the top of the notes are not
black boarded but instead are white-bordered. If you don't see the difference,
I included a link to a picture so you can see the difference in the color of
the notes' border. There is a section in the game that introduces you to this
concept in a tutorial. I would recommend looking there
for information as explaining these concepts is rather difficult.

Further Reading on Advanced Techniques can be found in Infiltrater's Expert
Guide listed in the same directory as this FAQ.

| /¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |
| | __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ Career Mode \|
| \__/ Code[carr] \_________________________/|

Starting a music career is simple. Start a band! Pick a name, a character and
a guitar to your liking. Everything can be changed whenever you want so don't
spend too much time figuring out your perfect combination of Rocker and Guitar.

/¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
| __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ The Venues \
\__/ Code[vene] \_________________________/

As you progress your career, you will gain access to more and more places to
play, AKA, venues. The venues, listed in the order that you unlock them are as

1. Battle of the Bands @ Nilbog High School Gym
2. The Rat Cellar located @ Boston, MA
3. Blackout Bar @ Providence, RI
4. The RedOctance Venue @ Brooklyn, New York
5. Rock City Theatre @ Detroit, MI
6. The Vans Warped Tour @ Austin, TX
7. The Harmonix Arena @ Oakland, California.
8. A Stonehedgesq Stage @ England.

It really doesn't matter where you play in the whole scope of things so play
wherever you wish.

/¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
| __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ Earning Cash \
\__/ Code[shny] \_________________________/

Everytime you complete a song in career mode, you will earn a chunk of cash.
The amount of cash you earn depends on two things, those being your rating (3,
4, or 5 Stars) and the difficulty level you are playing on. Guitar Hero II
does something neat where if you complete a song on a difficulty level above
easy, you earn all the cash from the lower difficulty levels. So, if you beat
a song on the "Hard" Difficulty level, you get all the cash you would for
beating it on "Medium" and "Easy" Difficulty levels assuming you haven't
previously beat those song on the previous difficulties. So, you have some
cash now. Lets take a trip to the store to spend some of that cash.

/¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
| __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ Unlocking Items & Songs \
\__/ Code[ulok] \_________________________/

Unlocking things is easy. Go to the store and spend cash. Below is a complete
list of everything you can unlock and it's price.


1. Gibson X-Plorer ....................... $700
2. Gibson Les Paul Double Cutaway ........ $850
3. Gibson Firebird ....................... $700
4. Epiphone Coroner ...................... $550
5. Kramer Vanguard ....................... $700
6. Gibson Moderne ........................ $850
7. Gibson Corvus ......................... $550
8. Gibson ES-335 ......................... $850
9. Kramer 650 ............................ $700
10. Gibson EDS-1275 ....................... $950
11. Gibson Melody Maker ................... $700
12. Gibson Sonex 180 ...................... $550
13. Gibson Marauder ....................... $550
14. Epiphone Casino ....................... $700
15. Epiphone Sheraton ..................... $700
16. Gibson Chet Atkins Country Gentlemen .. $850
17. Fish Guitar (Beat "Easy" Mode)......... $2000
18. USA Guitar (5* all "Easy" Songs)....... $5000
19. Casket Guitar (Beat "Medum" Mode)...... $2000
20. Viking Guitar (5* all "Medium" Songs).. $5000
21. Snaketapus Guitar (Beat "Hard" Mode)... $2000
22. Eyeball Guitar (5* all "Hard" Songs)... $5000
23. Battle Axe Guitar (Beat "Expert" Mode). $2000
24. The Log Guitar (5* all "Expert" Songs). $5000


1. Cayenne Standard ...................... $250
2. Rose Burst Goddess .................... $550
3. Zakk Wylde Custom ..................... $550
4. Worn White Special .................... $250
5. Candy Apple GT ........................ $450
6. Custom Flame Finish ................... $550
7. Natural V2 ............................ $250

8. New Century Finish .................... $450
9. Worn Cherry Finish .................... $550

Addition finishes for unlockable guitars:
(Unlock these finishes by buying the associated guitar.)

1. Gibson X-Plorer
a. Natural Finish .................... $250
b. Custom Rising Sun Finish .......... $450
c. Classic White Finish .............. $450
d. Custom Cherry Swirl Finish ........ $550

2. Gibson Les Paul Doublecut
a. TV Yellow Finish .................. $250
b. Custom Resin Finish ............... $550

3. Gibson Firebird
a. Ice Blue Finish ................... $250
b. Ebony Finish ...................... $450
c. Custom Leopard Skin Finish ........ $550

4. Epipone Coronet
a. Cherry Finish ..................... $250
b. Tobacco Burst Finish .............. $450
c. Green Finish ...................... $550

5. Kramer Vanguard
a. Yellow Finish ..................... $450

6. Gibson Moderne
a. Red finish ........................ $250

7. Gibson ES-335
a. Custom Cherry Finish .............. $450

8. Kramer 650
a. White Finish ...................... $550

9. Bigson EDS-1275
a. Alpine White Finish ............... $550


1. Raw Dog ............................... $400
2. Arterial Black ........................ $550
3. Collide ............................... $550
4. Elephant Bones ........................ $550
5. Fall of Pangea ........................ $550
6. FTK ................................... $550
7. Gemini ................................ $550
8. Push Push (Lady Lightning) ............ $550
9. Laughtrack............................. $550
10. Less Talk More Rokk ................... $550
11. Jordan ................................ $550
12. Mr. Fix-It ............................ $550
13. The New Black ......................... $550
14. One for the Road ...................... $550
15. Parasite .............................. $550
16. Radium Eyes ........................... $550
17. Red Lottery ........................... $550
18. Six ................................... $550
19. Soy Bomb .............................. $550
20. The Light that Blinds ................. $550
21. Thunder Horse ......................... $550
22. Trogdor ............................... $550
23. X-Stream .............................. $550
24. Yes We Can ............................ $550


1. Clive Winston ......................... $3000
2. Xaviar Stone .......................... $3000
3. Grim Reaper ........................... $4000

Alternate Outfits:

1. Johnny Napalm ......................... $1800
2. Judy Nails ............................ $1800
3. Izzy Sparks ........................... $1800
4. Pandora ............................... $1800
5. Axel Steel ............................ $1800
6. Eddie Knox ............................ $2000
7. Casey Lynch ........................... $2000
8. Lars Umlaut ........................... $2000


1. Guitar Hero II: Behind the Scenes .... $3000
2. Guitar Hero II: Making of Songs ...... $2000

| /¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |
| | __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ Song List \|
| \__/ Code[musc] \_________________________/|

I wanted to included as much information about each song as possible so I tried
to cram a lot of information about each song in here. Almost all of this
information is from which is a great source for Guitar Hero

As there is a lot of information included, I decided to format this in a way
that would be easy to read. The format reads like this:

(Song Name) - (Song Artist)
(Difficulty): (Note Count) -- (4-star cut off) ~ (5-star cut off)

The Cut-off scores are almost all estimates. The ones marked with a "*" are
The Co-Op Cut-off Scores are very rough estimates. Some of the scores have a
range of upward to 30,000 on either side or more. When playing on Co-op mode,
doesn't matter what difficulty you or your partner play on, the cut-off scores
still the same.

If you can narrow down the scores further then myself and, I ask
you submit that information to myself and

1. Opening Licks

1. "Shout at the Devil" - Mötley Crüe
Easy: 229 -- 29,664* ~ 41,530*
Medium: 380 -- 45,208* 63,200
Hard: 504 -- 80,358* ~ 112,500
Expert: 518 -- 82,525 ~ 115,542*
Co-Op: *** -- 94,000 ~ 148,100

2. "Mother" - Danzig
Easy: 248 -- 36,050* ~ 50,470*
Medium: 394 -- 58,648* ~ 82,110
Hard: 541 -- 88,796* ~ 124,700
Expert: 625 -- 104,500 ~ 145,925*
Co-Op: *** -- 130,000 ~ 195,000

3. "Surrender" - Cheap Trick
Easy: 384 -- 50,556 ~ 70,779*
Medium: 712 -- 105,278* ~ 147,350
Hard: 788 -- 124,270* ~ 174,000
Expert: 834 -- 132,200 ~ 184,943*
Co-Op: *** -- 160,000 ~ 207,000

4. "Woman" - Wolfmother
Easy: 215 -- 30,578* ~ 42,810*
Medium: 298 -- 55,892* ~ 78,250
Hard: 623 -- 99,454* ~ 139,000
Expert: 641 -- 101,342* ~ 141,879*
Co-Op: *** -- 110,000 ~ 185,000

5. "Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight" - Spinal Tap
Easy: 206 -- 33,250* ~ 46,550*
Medium: 292 -- 43,028* ~ 60,240*
Hard: 393 -- 70,046* ~ 98,100
Expert: 524 -- 89,900 ~ 125,743*
Co-Op: *** -- 81,000 ~ 198,000

2. Amp-Warmers

1. "Strutter" - KISS
Easy: 301 -- 35,884* ~ 50,238*
Medium: 427 -- 58,600* ~ 82,020
Hard: 556 -- 81,966* ~ 114,800
Expert: 668 -- 118,664* ~ 166,100
Co-Op: *** -- 130,000 ~ 175,000

2. "Heart-Shaped Box" - Nirvana
Easy: 581 -- 63,735 ~ 89,250
Medium: 717 -- 84,044* ~ 117,000
Hard: 844 -- 109,520* ~ 153,350
Expert: 850 -- 136,265 ~ 190,700
Co-Op: *** -- 190,000 ~ 230,000

3. "Message in a Bottle" - The Police
Easy: 387 -- 53,375 ~ 75,000
Medium: 804 -- 114,972* ~ 161,000
Hard: 942 -- 125,840* ~ 176,200
Expert: 977 -- 131,334* ~ 184,000
Co-Op: *** -- 197,000 ~ 230,000

4. "You Really Got Me" - Van Halen
Easy: 268 -- 31,682* ~ 44,355*
Medium: 334 -- 42,458* ~ 59,800
Hard: 437 -- 62,784* ~ 88,000
Expert: 486 -- 68,990 ~ 96,522*
Co-Op: *** -- 82,000 ~ 118,000

5. "Carry On Wayward Son" - Kansas
Easy: 460 -- 56,200 ~ 78,700~
Medium: 600 -- 72,000 ~ 100,100
Hard: 895 -- 107,968* ~ 151,000
Expert: 965 -- 115,740* ~ 161,900
Co-Op: *** -- 130,000 ~ 210,000

3. String-Snappers

1. "Monkey Wrench" - Foo Fighters
Easy: 559 -- 58,550 ~ 81,750
Medium: 822 -- 94,500 ~ 129,000
Hard: 1,036 -- 176,024* ~ 246,500
Expert: 1,036 -- 206,990 ~ 289,562*
Co-Op: *** -- 180,000 ~ 320,000

2. "Them Bones" - Alice in Chains
Easy: 341 -- 42,400 ~ 29,220
Medium: 387 -- 59,486* ~ 83,200
Hard: 475 -- 99,040* ~ 138,650
Expert: 543 -- 110,316* ~ 154,300
Co-Op: *** -- 135,000 ~ 166,000

3. "Search and Destroy" - Iggy Pop and The Stooges
Easy: 425 -- 48,800 ~ 68,400
Medium: 497 -- 80,000 ~ 94,000
Hard: 762 -- 126,612* ~ 177,000
Expert: 858 -- 140,000 ~ 197,500
Co-Op: *** -- 125,000 ~ 220,000

4. "Tattooed Love Boys" - The Pretenders
Easy: 302 -- 41,000 ~ 57,500
Medium: 512 -- 61,764* ~ 86,500
Hard: 561 -- 89,940* ~ 126,000
Expert: 819 -- 128,500 ~ 180,050
Co-Op: *** -- 150,000 ~ 228,000

5. "War Pigs" - Black Sabbath
Easy: 567 -- 67,500 ~ 95,500
Medium: 794 -- 102,290* ~ 142,000
Hard: 1,006 -- 143,598* ~ 201,000
Expert: 1,117 -- 155,000 ~ 217,400
Co-Op: *** -- 167,000 ~ 285,500

4. Thrash and Burn

1. "Cherry Pie" - Warrant
Easy: 243 -- 28,152* ~ 39,413*
Medium: 297 -- 52,170* ~ 79,000
Hard: 376 -- 64,730* ~ 90,500
Expert: 444 -- 73,000 ~ 102,086*
Co-Op: *** -- 92,000 ~ 120,000

2. "Who Was in My Room Last Night?" - Butthole Surfers
Easy: 515 -- 63,250 ~ 89,000
Medium: 639 -- 94,058* ~ 130,000
Hard: 821 -- 129,404* ~ 181,000
Expert: 868 -- 144,878* ~ 202,830
Co-Op: *** -- 180,000 ~ 255,000

3. "Girlfriend" - Matthew Sweet
Easy: 300 -- 35,500 ~ 49,665
Medium: 409 -- 50,312* ~ 74,000
Hard: 534 -- 79,990* ~ 119,985
Expert: 691 -- 98,278* ~ 137,500
Co-Op: *** -- 110,000 ~ 200,000

4. "Can't You Hear Me Knocking" - The Rolling Stones
Easy: 360 -- 48,000 ~ 67,400
Medium: 522 -- 65,634* ~ 92,000
Hard: 718 -- 109,212* ~ 153,000
Expert: 737 -- 118,164* ~ 165,250
Co-Op: *** -- 170,000 ~ 264,000

5. "Sweet Child O' Mine" - Guns N' Roses
Easy: 579 -- 74,000 ~ 105,750
Medium: 670 -- 90,152* ~ 126,000
Hard: 894 -- 116,022* ~ 162,430
Expert: 998 -- 127,674* ~ 178,750
Co-Op: *** -- 180,000 ~ 219,000

5. Return of the Shred

1. "Killing in the Name" - Rage Against the Machine
Easy: 587 -- 60,000 ~ 85,000
Medium: 777 -- 107,756* ~ 153,000
Hard: 1,074 -- 156,256* ~ 218,900
Expert: 1,319 -- 200,000 ~ 279,900
Co-Op: *** -- 200,000 ~ 310,000

2. "John the Fisherman" - Primus
Easy: 353 -- 40,000 ~ 56,755*
Medium: 382 -- 60,000 ~ 81,000
Hard: 416 -- 72,066* ~ 100,800
Expert: 420 -- 84,138* ~ 117,500
Co-Op: *** -- 130,000 ~ 187,000

3. "Freya" - The Sword
Easy: 531 -- 56,000 ~ 79,000
Medium: 702 -- 76,000 ~ 103.000
Hard: 1,131 -- 138,858* ~ 194,600
Expert: 1,191 -- 177,340 ~ 248,250
Co-Op: *** -- 133,700 ~ 280,000

4. "Bad Reputation" - Thin Lizzy
Easy: 268 -- 30,694* ~ 42,972*
Medium: 356 -- 43,046* ~ 61,000
Hard: 529 -- 66,130* ~ 92,300
Expert: 793 -- 93,130* ~ 130,300
Co-Op: *** -- 110,000 ~ 170,000

5. "Last Child" - Aerosmith
Easy: 329 -- 36,000 ~ 51,700
Medium: 579 -- 62,600, 87,000
Hard: 773 -- 83,652* ~ 116,800
Expert: 812 -- 96,000 ~ 134,500
Co-Op: *** -- 150,000 ~ 220,000

6. Relentless Riffs

1. "Crazy on You" - Heart
Easy: 490 -- 58,000 ~ 82,500
Medium: 641 -- 93,960* ~ 135,000
Hard: 951 -- 147,416* ~ 206,400
Expert: 1,082 -- 161,884* ~ 226,400
Co-Op: *** -- 135,000 ~ 220,000

2. "Trippin' On a Hole in a Paper Heart" - Stone Temple Pilots
Easy: 350 -- 42,000 ~ 57,700
Medium: 433 -- 67,548* ~ 94,600
Hard: 643 -- 109,570* ~ 155,000
Expert: 721 -- 127,810* ~ 179,000
Co-Op: *** -- 120,000 ~ 220,000

3. "Rock This Town" - Stray Cats
Easy: 466 -- 47,000 ~ 67,000
Medium: 576 -- 73,842* ~ 103,370
Hard: 753 -- 120,602* ~ 168,700
Expert: 1,115 -- 156,000 ~ 217,700
Co-Op: *** -- 145,000 ~ 235,000

4. "Jessica" - The Allman Brothers Band
Easy: 679 -- 80,500 ~ 114,000
Medium: 809 -- 96,738* ~ 130,000
Hard: 1,064 -- 122,928* ~ 172,200
Expert: 1,210 -- 139,566* ~ 195,000
Co-Op: *** -- 235,000 ~ 410,000

5. "Stop" - Jane's Addiction
Easy: 360 -- 42,000 ~ 59,000
Medium: 462 -- 59,242* ~ 83,200
Hard: 646 -- 107,744*~ 151,000
Expert: 774 -- 136,000 ~ 190,700
Co-Op: *** -- 110,000 ~ 245,000

7. Furious Fretwork

1. "Madhouse" - Anthrax
Easy: 586 -- 69,500 ~ 97,000
Medium: 866 -- 112,000 ~ 154,000
Hard: 992 -- 172,948* ~ 241,000
Expert: 1,053 -- 181,052* ~ 253,400
Co-Op: *** -- 180,000 ~ 260,000

2. "Carry Me Home" - The Living End
Easy: 397 -- 52,000 ~ 72,500
Medium: 659 -- 84,398* ~ 118,000
Hard: 935 -- 131,272* ~ 184,000
Expert: 1,013 -- 153,000 ~ 213,700
Co-Op: *** -- 170,000 ~ 245,000

3. "Laid to Rest" - Lamb of God
Easy: 468 -- 55,000 ~ 78,100
Medium: 617 -- 78,856* ~ 110,000
Hard: 1,021 -- 131,922* ~ 184,000
Expert: 1,268 -- 156,692* ~ 219,300
Co-Op: *** -- 160,000 ~ 350,000

4. "Psychobilly Freakout" - The Reverend Horton Heat
Easy: 311 -- 45,000 ~ 61,200
Medium: 454 -- 61,694* ~ 87,000
Hard: 622 -- 94,692* ~ 132,500
Expert: 717 -- 119,000 ~ 166,300
Co-Op: *** -- 110,000 ~ 187,000

5. "YYZ" - Rush
Easy: 489 -- 58,000 ~ 84,500
Medium: 683 -- 84,000 ~ 116,500
Hard: 815 -- 99,424* ~ 139,250
Expert: 954 -- 113,300 ~ 160,900
Co-Op: *** -- 155,000 ~ 220,000

8. Face-Melters

1. "Beast and the Harlot" - Avenged Sevenfold
Easy: 663 -- 78,800 ~ 107,500
Medium: 804 -- 99,000 ~ 132,000
Hard: 1,226 -- 153,804* ~ 215,400
Expert: 1,683 -- 201,500 ~ 281,950
Co-Op: *** -- 196,000 ~ 360,000

2. "Institutionalized" - Suicidal Tendencies
Easy: 529 -- 64,500 ~ 91,000
Medium: 736 -- 105,000 ~ 145,000
Hard: 929 -- 142,906* ~ 200,000
Expert: 1,133 -- 172,000 ~ 242,130*
Co-Op: *** -- 235,000 ~ 310,000

3. "Misirlou" - Dick Dale
Easy: 315 -- 35,000 ~ 44,000
Medium: 471 -- 51,954* ~72,736*
Hard: 853 -- 99,012* ~ 138,500
Expert: 1,222 -- 143,800 ~ 201,200
Co-Op: *** -- 80,000 ~ 180,000

4. "Hangar 18" - Megadeth
Easy: 732 -- 84,000 ~ 120,000
Medium: 993 -- 127,500 ~ 178,700
Hard: 1,422 -- 176,702* ~ 247,330
Expert: 1,698 -- 205,500 ~ 288,700
Co-Op: *** -- 245,000 ~ 370,000

5. "Free Bird" - Lynyrd Skynyrd
Easy: 957 -- 125,000 ~ 170,000
Medium: 1,241 -- 172,996* ~ 243,000
Hard: 1,684 -- 216,950* ~ 304,000
Expert: 1,982 -- 244,500 ~ 340,500
Co-Op: *** -- 330,000 ~ 560,000

Bonus tracks

1. "Arterial Black" - Drist
Easy: 393 -- 59,000 ~ 72,000
Medium: 439 -- 66,500 ~ 92,850
Hard: 567 -- 100,950* ~ 141,000
Expert: 643 -- 115,000 ~ 162,800
Co-Op: *** -- 140,000 ~ 215,000

2. "Collide" - Anarchy Club
Easy: 419 -- 55,000 ~ 75,800
Medium: 481 -- 64,588* ~ 90,000
Hard: 639 -- 99,042* ~ 138,000
Expert: 719 -- 111,000 ~ 156,000
Co-Op: *** -- 130,000 ~ 197,000

3. "Elephant Bones" - That Handsome Devil
Easy: 303 -- 45,000 ~ 58,500
Medium: 354 -- 56,046* ~ 79,000
Hard: 524 -- 75,998* ~ 106,500
Expert: 613 -- 88,258* ~ 123,350
Co-Op: *** -- 130,000 ~ 168,000

4. "Fall of Pangea" - Valient Thorr
Easy: 814 -- 106,000 ~ 145,000
Medium: 898 -- 138,734* ~ 195,000
Hard: 1,471 -- 205,148* ~ 287,000
Expert: 1,514 -- 211,000 ~ 293,000
Co-Op: *** -- 250,000 ~ 335,000

5. "FTK" - Vagiant
Easy: 374 -- 49,200 ~ 71,500
Medium: 416 -- 80,262* ~ 112,500
Hard: 615 -- 109,006* ~ 154,000
Expert: 777 -- 131,980* ~ 184,600
Co-Op: *** -- 130,000 ~ 202,000

6. "Gemini" - Brian Kahanek
Easy: 371 -- 49,000 ~ 64,500
Medium: 528 -- 64,192* ~ 89,900
Hard: 638 -- 84,904* ~ 119,000
Expert: 862 -- 115,300 ~ 161,500
Co-Op: *** -- 138,000 ~ 180,000

7. "Jordan" - Buckethead
Easy: 323 -- 43,000 ~ 60,000
Medium: 618 -- 68,070* ~ 94,500
Hard: 1,147 -- 116,956* ~ 163,000
Expert: 1,801 -- 182,000 ~ 255,200
Co-Op: *** -- 160,000 ~ 225,000

8. "Laughtrack" - The Acro-brats
Easy: 256 -- 43,500 ~ 57,000
Medium: 338 -- 58,500 ~ 81,300
Hard: 481 -- 76,616* ~ 107,300
Expert: 557 -- 84,500 ~ 117,000
Co-Op: *** -- 125,000 ~ 190,000

9. "Less Talk More Rokk" - Freezepop
Easy: 501 -- 56,000 ~ 76,000
Medium: 820 -- 90,686* ~ 127,000
Hard: 932 -- 103,662* ~ 145,000
Expert: 1,437 -- 154,000 ~ 217,000
Co-Op: *** -- 185,000 ~ 300,000

10. "The Light that Blinds" - Shadows Fall
Easy: 611 -- 73,500 ~ 108,000
Medium: 767 -- 93,112* ~ 130,000
Hard: 1,140 -- 149,346* ~ 207,500
Expert: 1,514 -- 193,000 ~ 270,500
Co-Op: *** -- 160,000 ~ 300,000

11. "Mr. Fix-it" - The Amazing Royal Crowns
Easy: 308 -- 33,000 ~ 40,000
Medium: 458 -- 65,652* ~ 92,000
Hard: 520 -- 87,582* ~ 122,800
Expert: 521 -- 89,282* ~ 125,000
Co-Op: *** -- 110,000 ~ 156,000

12. "The New Black" - Every Time I Die
Easy: 341 -- 38,750 ~ 53,000
Medium: 438 -- 57,680* ~ 80,000
Hard: 547 -- 73,824* ~ 103,300
Expert: 629 -- 88,226* ~ 123,000
Co-Op: *** -- 125,000 ~ 147,000

13. "One for the Road" - Breaking Wheel
Easy: 672 -- 78,000 ~ 105,000
Medium: 887 -- 105,486* ~ 145,000
Hard: 1,221 -- 191,608* ~ 270,000
Expert: 1,318 -- 210,314* ~ 295,000
Co-Op: *** -- 200,000 ~ 310,000

14. "Parasite" - The Neighborhoods
Easy: 321 -- 37,000 ~ 50,000
Medium: 407 -- 54,502* ~ 76,000
Hard: 519 -- 80,270* ~ 112,400
Expert: 534 -- 87,086* ~ 122,200
Co-Op: *** -- 170,000 ~ 235,000

15. "Push Push (Lady Lightning)" - Bang Camaro
Easy: 453 -- 66,000 ~ 90,000
Medium: 684 -- 93,500 ~ 131,000
Hard: 919 -- 120,714* ~ 168,900
Expert: 986 -- 128,450 ~ 179,000
Co-Op: *** -- 145,000 ~ 200,000

16. "Radium Eyes" - Count Zero
Easy: 303 -- 32,000 ~ 47,000
Medium: 419 -- 54,448 ~ 76,200
Hard: 502 -- 72,010* ~ 100,800
Expert: 530 -- 78,594* ~ 110,030
Co-Op: *** -- 90,000 ~ 139,000

17. "Raw Dog" - The Last Vegas (Winnar of the "Be a Guitar Hero" Contest.)
Easy: 515 -- 59,000 ~ 81,500
Medium: 578 -- 71,088* ~ 99,600
Hard: 879 -- 127,430* ~ 178,000
Expert: 976 -- 141,446* ~ 198,000
Co-Op: *** -- 145,000 ~ 235,000

18. "Red Lottery" - Megasus
Easy: 605 -- 73,500 ~ 10,400
Medium: 734 -- 90,000 ~ 120,000
Hard: 813 -- 109,526* ~ 153,000
Expert: 858 -- 125,000 ~ 176,000
Co-Op: *** -- 145,000 ~ 210,000

19. "Six" - All That Remains
Easy: 577 -- 73,000 ~ 105,500
Medium: 609 -- 77,796* ~ 108,915
Hard: 1,129 - 139,368* ~ 193,000
Expert: 1,416 -- 181,000 ~ 255,000
Co-Op: *** -- 150,000 ~ 271,000

20. "Soy Bomb" - Honest Bob and the Factory-to-Dealer Incentives
Easy: 300 -- 44,000 ~ 60,000
Medium: 380 -- 55,476* ~ 77,700
Hard: 435 -- 66,062* ~ 92,420
Expert: 438 -- 66,882* ~ 94,000
Co-Op: *** -- 100,000 ~ 170,000

21. "Thunderhorse" - Dethklok
Easy: 246 -- 30,000 ~ 41,800
Medium: 371 -- 42,604* ~ 59,630
Hard: 690 -- 74,390* ~ 104,150
Expert: 828 -- 88,035 ~ 123,265
Co-Op: *** -- 120,000 ~ 173,000

22. "Trogdor" - Strong Bad
Easy: 194 -- 23,388* ~ 32,730
Medium: 330 -- 36,988* ~ 51,784*
Hard: 365 -- 54,472* ~ 76,261*
Expert: 433 -- 78,890 ~ 110,440
Co-Op: *** -- 110,000 ~ 160,000

23. "The X-Stream" - Voivod
Easy: 771 -- 110,810 ~ 153,000
Medium: 947 -- 132,000 ~ 180,300
Hard: 1,307 -- 187,294* ~ 265,000
Expert: 1,337 -- 225,000 ~ 317,000
Co-Op: *** -- 280,000 ~ 400,000

24. "Yes We Can" - Made in Mexico
Easy: 425 -- 48,390* ~ 66,000
Medium: 528 -- 69,090* ~ 100,000
Hard: 675 -- 91,390* ~ 127,946*
Expert: 945 -- 122,780* ~ 171,600
Co-Op: *** -- 180.000 ~ 245,000

Total Number of Songs: 64

| /¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |
| | __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ Multiplayer \|
| \__/ Code[mlti] \_________________________/|

Because it's better to play with a friend.

/¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
| __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ Co-Op Mode \
\__/ Code[coop] \_________________________/

By far one of the most enjoyable styles of play in the game. Team up with a
friend to play through songs as either the Lead Guitar or the Bass Guitar
(Sometimes the "rythem" guitar.) in each song. You and your partner share a
score, a multiplier and star power and you have to activate star power
simualtaniously. I highly recommend checking this mode out as it's tons of fun
and you get Co-Op mode specific rewards for playing.

/¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
| __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ Versus Mode \
\__/ Code[vrss] \_________________________/

If you've played Guitar Hero's original versus mode, this plays almost exactly
the same. You and your opponent go heads up against each other and alternate
playing lines of the song. Highest score wins at the end.

/¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
| __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ Pro Face-off Mode \
\__/ Code[prmd] \_________________________/

To unlock this mode, you have to beat the game on an difficulty at Medium or
higher. This is another version of Versus mode except that you and your
opponent play the complete note chart of the songs. I prefer this as it is a
direct head-to-head competition that tests the skill of each player without any
kind of difference between charts played.

| /¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |
| | __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ Practice Mode \|
| \__/ Code[prct] \_________________________/|

When the song seems impossible, practice more.~

Practice mode is there to help you learn songs that you normally do. It offers
a few neat tricks to help a rocker out. One of those features is the ability
to slow to music down. IF you are having problems with a section of the music,
I highly recommened going to practice mode and slowing it down to the point
where you comfortably play the music without error. Once you can play the
music at that speed, move it up a notch. Become 100% confident at that speed
and continue to move up until you are playing the song at full speed. The
other awesome feature that practice mode has is the ability to allow you to
play specific sections of the music. Those sections are labeled as you play
through a song on practice mode above the note chart for easy reference. Use a
combination of slowing the music down and playing specific sections of the song
to master your music. Finally, I can't say this enough: Practice. Unless you
have great independent finger motion built into you, this game will take some
practice so frequent practice mode often when needed!

| /¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |
| | __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ Misc. Information \|
| \__/ Code[mici] \_________________________/|

A compiled list of random information.

/¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
| __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ The Character List \
\__/ Code[chrl] \_________________________/

A Short list of the characters available in the game.
Characters marked with a "*" appeared in the first Guitar Hero.

These charcters are available from the beginning:

1. Axel Steel*
2. Johnny Napalm*
3. Izzy Sparks*
4. Judy Nails*
5. Pandora*
6. Eddie Knox
7. Casey Lynch
8. Lars Umlaut

These are the unlockable characters:

9. Clive Winston*
10. Xavier Stone*
11. The Grim Ripper*

/¯¯\uitar Hero II/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
| __ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ Codes and Secrets \
\__/ Code[chsc] \_________________________/

This information came from the Codes page for Gamefaqs.

At the Title Screen, enter these combinations in for the effect listed. To
Deactivate the effect, enter the code again.

Y = Yellow Fret
O = Orange Fret
B = Blue Fret
R = Red Fret


Hyper Speed: Increases the rate of speed at which the notes move across the
note chart
Performance Mode: Turns the HUD off. This includes the note chart so you best
have the song memorized
Air Guitar: Your character is playing the Air Guitar! That is, he isn't play
a guitar at all although they still make the hand motions.

Air Guitar: Y, Y, B, O, Y, B
Crowd has Eyeball Heads: B, O, Y, O, Y, O, B
Crowd has Monkey Heads: O, B, Y, Y, O, B, Y, Y
Flaming Head: O, Y, O, O, Y, O, Y, Y
Horse Head: B, O, O, B, O, O, B, O, O, B
Hyper Speed: O, B, O, Y, O, B, O, Y
Performance mode: Y, Y, B, Y, Y, O, Y, Y
Unlock Everything: B, Y, O, R, O, Y, R, Y, R, Y, R, Y, R, Y, R, Y, R, Y

--Saving is Disabled when you enter the "Unlock Everything" code.

If you have the PAL version of Guitar Hero II, you can use these codes instead
at the title screen:

Air guitar: B, Y, O, B, Y, Y
Crowd has Eyeball Heads: Y, O, B, O, B, O, Y
Flaming Head: Y, Y, O, Y, O, O, Y, O
Horse Head: B, O, O, B, O, O, B, O, O, B, O, O, B, O, O, B, O
Hyper Speed: Y, O, B, O, Y, O, B, O
Monkey Head Crowd: Y, Y, B, O, Y, Y, B, O
Performance Mode: Y, Y, O, Y, Y, B, Y, Y
Unlock Everything: B, Y, O, R, O, Y, B, Y, B, Y, B, Y, B, Y, B, Y

--Saving is Disabled when you enter the "Unlock Everything" code.

Unlock Pro Face-Off Mode: Beat the game on an difficult except easy to unlock
this feature.

Unlockable Guitars and Basses--


"Snaketapus" Guitar: Beat Hard Mode.
"The Log" Guitar: 5-Star every song on Expert.
Battle Axe Guitar: Beat Expert Mode.
Casket Guitar: Beat Medium Mode.
Eyeball Guitar: 5-Star every song on Hard.
Fish Guitar: Beat Easy Mode.
USA Guitar: 5-Star every song on Easy.
Viking Guitar: 5-Star every song on Medium.


Cream SG: Get 5 stars on 20 songs in Co-Op.
Gibson Grabber: Beat 20 Songs in Co-Op Mode.
Gibson Les Paul with the Cherry Sunburst Classic Skin: Beat 40 Songs in Co-Op
Gibson SG Bass: Beat 10 Songs in Co-Op mode.
Gibson Thunderbird: Beat 30 Songs in Co-Op mode.
Hofner Bass: Beat every song on Co-Op mode.
Lava Pearl Musicman Stingray: Get 5 stars on 10 songs in Co-Op.
Natural Maple Gibson Grabber Bass: Get 4 stars on all co-op songs.
Natural Sunburst Gibson Thunderbird Bass: Get 5 stars on every song in Co-Op.

Known Glitches/Tricks:

Make Grim Ripper play Gibson Les Paul:

After unlocking the Grim Ripper, select him as your guitarist in Career mode,
then exit Career mode. Next, go to Quick Play mode, choose any song at any
difficulty, and either finish the song, or quit once it has started. Then, go
back to Career mode, and the Grim Ripper will be playing the Gibson Les Paul
with the Cherry Sunburst Classic skin! To make him play the scythe again,
simply select it in the "Change Guitar" menu. -- MarioKartPrime

Play The Scythe With (Almost) Anyone:

First, you must have Grim Ripper unlocked and select him. Then select another
character. The character MUST have their other outfit unlocked. They will have
the Scythe unless you change the guitar. Note: Since Clive Winston and Xavier
Stone do not have an unlockable outfit, they can't play the Scythe. --

Conserving Money:

Instead of buying the unlockable videos with your main band, you can create a
new band and buy the videos with your second band as the option to view them
appears in the "options" menu. In the end, this will save you $5,000 -- Todd R

Milan Tomic

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