Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 Cheats

Unlock Stages

Perform the following tasks during the game to unlock the corresponding stage.

Unlock King Castle:
Wish it from Red Shenron.

Unlock Penguin Village:
Wish it from Red Shenron

Unlock Mt. Paozu:
Wish it from Shenron (Normal Shenron).

Unlock Desert (Day):
Wish it from Shenron (Normal Shenron).

Unlock Desert (Evening):
Complete Yamcha Game - Level 2.

Unlock Desert (Night)
Complete Cell Game - Level 2.

Unlock Janemba Hell:
Complete Dragon History Special Saga 'Janemba'.

Unlock Muscle Tower Dragon:
Complete History Dragon Ball Saga 'Decisive Battle in Holy Place'
Unlock Characters from Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi 2
When you have a Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaich 2 saved game file on your memory card you will be able to unlock any characters which you had unlocked in that game and are on the file in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3.

Character Unlock Codes

Here are some codes to unlock characters in this game. Just enter the codes at the data center. There are no spaces in the code when you enter them and they are all 'case sensitive' (so if it is a capital letter in the code, it needs to be like that when you enter it).

Unlock Goku (Mid):
?Pr8z NK@yv jDfF% xJ
F3xd% wQG@W BR0-W y4

Unlock Teen Gohan:
ZDK-V @c?v@ Cq(r7 z?
GbhlF !-bt) g7q-? JM

Unlock Piccolo (End):
$mkc- rBKgX c4j*q (N
Bl4l? S2%dB J1bjp nH

Unlock Vegeta:
H?vy# q%H8w 6F(Wx H3
DsW?c C3-NB vZ@Vf &#

Unlock Tien:
GTRYn hpJgn G)9%6 7H
&DyVf bbBYp 09hSf G7

Unlock Chiaotzu:
&hz9M bm3%2 pF+8W 7@
B)0BV p#YKv @0d9L 9*

Unlock Trunks:
KnL?2 w65wh T5(PQ QV
BsN$- cp?b6 7Wwf% Lf

Unlock Goku (Early):
S+2wR ffGkp F2R96 Y!
CQ*x2 K!0pC $NQXM $2

Unlock Kid Gohan:
7MD-x vq3(1 %#BkJ j*
M@&c- MjZqB DT6D? Ns

Unlock Piccolo (Early):
14qnm F$+vV rjqVm Nd
VyBd$ 6jt6g bWt1w g$

Unlock Kid Trunks:
S8k3j vFg0t WKWV! VL
CF@jS KPZyl C3?yp Pm

Unlock Goku (GT):
TT5bz g1ky- Y-?fv 3L
H2X-g $yW!R #5B)q (?

Unlock Future Gohan:
ZKtY@ 5dn#5 0%x6b Vy
Vf(8c chX?? FWq+k KQ

Unlock Videl:
$Y0Hr 7HH3b 3Pck% 51
VyQjM 8f+c# cxFc1 wG

Unlock Hercule:
LH8c2 *7+5- #RT?# mB
SVzl% n3FVn 4D290 S7

Unlock SSJ4 Vegeta:
3Njf# Sn&W* WM+jy Wj
+X-5+ CJH+4 Nby-3 0M

Unlock Uub:
F#cnL 7zjGj jfP)g CD
QQD$H 4M$F+ fkW$$ %k

Unlock Pan:
L)hWr 0#9mm !hPx) Db
MXcMP J$lw7 snj7n z0

Unlock Roshi:
JK#dd 3)p+q #L0wf !#
Cc8@b 35Fg5 RdzsY DN

Unlock Yajirobe:
Y%yL1 3JC%d d?W5+ hz
42rnX t7SgF D-T4G Jl

Unlock Nail:
ZkcWC L$M%? *ScHN YC
Dn*v$ fFDhs d#(&M zd

Unlock Supreme Kai:
$MS-n dzc$$ p#D8L 8b
@J(87 4kV++ %fZb5 4v

Unlock Raditz:
MJbsF 3-N)9 nsLDl (Z
QbSg4 3Mt2* l?kK) Pl

Unlock Nappa:
GT+30 PGJhF 8lv99 Zn
(MZZm xgvTQ cG46K q8

Unlock Saibamen:
V9SKL &MbMb %)0SM ZB
3nK&) L$6qq 83Kwk Pj

Unlock Ginyu:
19Myd mWdMK gB$HZ MS
@Q#4q HVWJ- bCX!SsH

Unlock Recoome:
Z5*0W &R(qD PQLF( 4Y
C(D7L srl$G gD0%c ?%

Unlock Burter:
Q*qR8 1kghT Nh9kS !v
NdMxP 4SG8T PNbfm j(

Unlock Jeice:
4S@%D -XbNF #f)DT sC
CzkLX T+fFX K0yjM VL

Unlock Guldo:
SGZQL @KBf9 PH5q0 Kx
@VSX2 4&HKV ny!VM dF

Unlock Zarbon:
-t5C8 r1rpj &Bj)? Fs
(pWxS -*6rf 00C7j jr

Unlock Dodoria:
FQ+73 z#vDL MCGM0 cb
LnFvD 8fGB@ 7lfWz +3

Unlock Frieza:
K3vBF dcrSD nYz9r NR
JLJS9 t4j4! Jr1z% 9k

Unlock Mecha Frieza:
$*@Tg jwF9w BN5n4 #*
*?jHD tbvJM psKDT lX

Unlock Appule:
BLM@0 d*@nJ 8#8S+ )f
Q7f8D t+Yh( z$QPS 1!

Unlock Cui:
N*cHH dkhCV JLCKq %C
SP+-8 (rXbv fXptR -d

Unlock Frieza Soldier:
+66df LR8Qw 3HtY2 +2
$HzFh l*G0r )j69) D3

Unlock King Cold:
PJjP5 q6WlX 2sWgb Qz
9*+Sr MhDtM n#KBt (-

Unlock King Vegeta:
MSW4V ?HfTv 8p!*5 z*
S$YB( -sNg# yGQ98 bX

Unlock Cell:
1yCbW 7rL#P nRcWP Rv
F5HYN X7sRf *BZ+4 1J

Unlock Cell Jr.:
9hVKP 5F&%Q ?HmW2 !y
C*)W4 Z7f4f rbZzC +5

Unlock Dr. Gero:
PBSZc !nP0V ZjD*N +b
CmPxq dsSJ$ +Q-X% kx

Unlock Android #19:
2cGy) 1z0B3 63HCS Dt
PBk*T rmZyY L5c3q CZ

Unlock Android #18:
MkSFw +DPnr nx6qW !x
GPJT? 6N2k@ $CJ?6 --

Unlock Android #17:
F9@3% FYNtz @0#wD d2
Py602 J-q4& lwHZB fV

Unlock Android #16:
$jY2f sK%*g jY55x pJ
S8&F( 6&Ws@ 7Sb9? 1V

Unlock Majin Buu:
Kc0g7 zM8P& 03YnZ )-
7%kGy K$)Q% fS0rX gY

Unlock Chi-Chi:
VkQN( q#z?K 0?QBK Lq
PC$W( Rd7V2 w+Gj4 &S

Unlock Grandpa Gohan:
Ccgjm Q8DFD zlBdG JD
Flrl0 XlvD4 cQ2H@ pw

Unlock Nam:
RF1$R C(xfk 6l9Ld rn
Rhf%c (x$34 clfMM xH

Unlock Android #8.
6kcf+ @lvj0 -yBz2 x?
V7W8H 8z?Hl C4!r# M9

Unlock Arale:
0Qkc2 S#!nS #(y!$ C7
Mp8*s 3jX1M 6XXn2 P$

Unlock Evil Buu:
LTWKx lLtLF y3+0$ @n
T5F1l h&0#t T)2+4 4+

Unlock Super Buu
HlC-2 SGFTY r7HNR 2x
Cc!b$ Gs23& gt7sK 1C

Unlock Kid Buu:
+kh8l ?Pxt$ mbv+t *g
$s?C2 XKYfx ZR&3J Z3

Unlock Babidi:
DT+-z lQkHl WnHn% jp
Q?@1Q @$90F 8Rd3x LV

Unlock Spopovich:
T(7@x 7W?y( )7RXd cl
KTBlH Sp&+B *mYg6 rF

Unlock Dabura:
Hp?lT vycM- @1z?3 @j
*LWC9 6GBdC B9@$R F)

Unlock Vegeta (Scouter):
S0VVV lfNjB $&$&# G5
*tT0l H07K2 Gj$4g 2?

Unlock Krillin:
C7wQ@ jjR64 T&glr F2
N$@%q 7!0r9 Pnysg DC

Unlock Yamcha:
GZk4T R5t7p ll&9P h9
Pf)@p nTLPh ZQjV9 +#

Unlock Trunks (Sword):
TpcBk kx(mW &NJ+? Xm
Wf9Nv z$M*7 8vM+2 -W

Unlock Goku (End):
BJGN) 1#&K5 *l!%$ md
C0gsW NLsfH $lCZR -q

Unlock Gohan:
2kX?) 8kJQk j9X0q KD
B8RQ9 bq)Sv 8%V5Z ?C

Unlock Ultimate Gohan:
8Gr7v VgXT+ J&-f0 w4
0p1g1 Y(%K# GSpF4 bt

Unlock Vegeta (Second Form):
KMPL8 JCC1s 9n96M 7h
HvTBh #zmX0 *+BQf 5N

Unlock Majin Vegeta:
H5mQ7 94BKd lGZhW nd
KRbC$ (y%pJ 7c4T% Wv

Unlock Goten:
Zk*9! $6h81 P%B&t Sg
@8MTZ T@11p (294n KD

Unlock Bardock:
J0RHf *(YrP -j4ml #G
XK(CT -3Kjc 3rh50 9Y

Unlock Fasha:
Csn-c 3)C5J r)z(f 4t
FV?gQ W0T!y VblDs #f

Unlock Garlic Jr.:
Q*)Zq xs%&@ KgrjL mx
1Vg0j 04Jg? #fW5x Mw

Unlock Dr. Wheelo:
)FsKb Q$2GC fYJNN ws
QhLGb 3SW7c zvzS) fZ

Unlock Turles:
Yt#P3 #rKW8 wJcB0 tY
MqTqc ?!4fF Dp$zr fg

Unlock Slug:
G#65$ jd-Qk 9r5NL Wx
BPF2L XFjFL kpyp( db

Unlock Salza:
KQ6d$ @qZd% r&Bn# 6$
6NRWW T5p5D y8Y(V Jb

Unlock Cooler:
G3b9n fj?54 tCn+r Z!
!V4kq SkvHc 5DPX? Wf

Unlock Meta-Cooler:
LJwLy C!64m x4*Rj *s
!%Yk3 ?g#+# Xh-DX 2H

Unlock Android #13:
099T0 VW%5b 3t&Cm S!
S)fQL XlN5# hf#z$ CV

Unlock Broly:
6*G?q +0P?p (?7LS Dj
(lgv4 5m4!k 8$v(8 v?

Unlock Zangya:
Sx#J% 1mdcl 4r6W3 w0
L7$V4 &XVH) hJ+jt Bs

Unlock Bojack:
6cHZ7 WV)cY l+JC0 L&
*ynTD wKZV% qG*Jp bV

Unlock Janemba:
@-w*& 3)sWx q0$m5 #3
R27nX 5mr8X *n9Qp -P

Unlock Pikkon:
Z7rY8 FLX4P 1Z%gq Y7
8+2Nq 9pn@t Hk%Yq vc

Unlock Tapion:
GhcFh 6+6t1 SMG9T 83
62#Y2 tXVNb )K5yy Hh

Unlock Hirudegarn:
%@93) s0jW5 TYvM8 )m
Rwc!H MynyB gdD)6 09

Unlock Baby Vegeta:
(&!!( B7886 WhYnn Lv
GLL$g xfLz$ t?R-l SL

Unlock Super 17:
4HZ@g lcfhb RW93b s8
YQ5Cz (LTQ$ KwL3C 9X

Unlock Nuova Shenron:
@489V m4Nz% PrTpN zj
PnG4D pq)4? *yzlN 4K

Unlock Syn Shenron:
6&b+F 93)88 cpK6+ L$
Xj+v% !grGW F@gSw &p

Unlock Demon King Piccolo
TR-0J 7f12k gf?FS z8
9WB@j y9@B2 cPnCg mb

Unlock Tambourine:
YhSvT dSP4$ MdRl# X$
KcBZ( +KKnM vdMrZ KD

Unlock Pilaf Machine:
0%fDD &x9kk xVZgC XJ
Nrwps (+Tnx qTc(m w$

Unlock Devilman:
BkgF3 NkMWF f5ff& 73

Unlock General Blue:
V2+Xb Bll#B Kcn8J XN
Ms5f9 HqnP2 Rh?zh x&

Unlock General Tao:
15%lM xxySd h(fd? $K
GRzfc +CXy+ 0G)hW d2

Unlock Cyborg Tao:
C79%0 B0%+- Xn!7n QH
F$*pJ DSVt6 9hyzN jN

Unlock Kid Goku:
6cm9Q y6cZd (mTS0 Y6
+TBy2 hv#!L (q63b cg

Unlock Survival Mode

When you have completed 30 missions in '100 Mission' mode 'Survival' mode will become an available option.

Unlock Stages

These stages become unlocked when the indicated tasks have been completed in the game.

Unlock Mt. Paozu:
Shenron's Wish 

Unlock Capital City:
Red Shenron's Wish.

Unlock Penguin Village:
Red Shenron's Wish

Unlock Desert (Day):
Shenron's Wish.

Unlock Desert (Night) Cell Game:
Win on Level 2.

Unlock Desert (Evening):
Win level 2 Yamcha Game.

Unlock Janemba Hell:
Complete Dragon History Special Saga 'Janemba'.

Unlock Muscle Tower Dragon:
Complete History Dragon Ball Saga 'Decisive Battle in Holy Place'.

Unlock Background Music

If you feel like a change in background music then complete these tasks.

Unlock I Give You A Romantic:
Clear Dragon History.

Unlock Super Suvivor (Short Instrumental):
On difficulty setting 2 win on Dragon World Tour - World Tournament.

Unlock Super Suvivor (Full Instrumental):
On difficulty setting 2 win on Dragon World Tour - Cell Game.

Unlock Super Suvivor (Short Vocal):
On difficulty setting 3 win on Dragon World Tour - Super World Tournament.

Unlock Super Suvivor (Full Vocal):
On difficulty setting 3 win on Dragon World Tour - Otherworld Tournament.

Unlock Characters

These playable characters can be unlocked in the game if you complete the indicated tasks.

Unlock Akkuman:
Complete Dragon History IF saga 'Unexpected Messiah'.

Unlock Android 08 (Hatchan in Japanese):
Complete Dragon History IF saga 'Kindhearted Android'.

Unlock Arale:
Complete Dragon History IF saga 'Dream Match'.

Unlock Babidi:
Complete Dragon History Buu saga 'Good bye Proud Warrior'.

Unlock Chi-Chi:
Red Shenron's Wish

Unlock Cyborg Tao-Pai-Pai:
Win the level 2 Otherworld Tournament.

Unlock Dr. Wheelo:
Complete Dragon History Special Saga 'Dr. Wheelo'.

Unlock Fasha (Seripa in Japanese):
Win the level 3 Yamcha Game.

Unlock General Blue:
Dragon History Dragonball saga "Searching in Penguin Village" cleared

Unlock Gohan (Future):
Shenron's Wish

Unlock Goku(GT):
Complete Dragon History GT saga 'Undead Monster!?'.

Unlock King Cold:
Win the level 3 Cell Game.

Unlock King Piccolo:
Complete Dragon History Dragonball saga 'Revenge of Goku'.

Unlock King Vegeta:
Complete Dagon History IF saga 'Galaxy Battle'.

Unlock Nail:
Complete Dragon History Frieza saga 'Super Saiyan!?'.

Unlock Nam:
Complete Dragon History Dragonball saga 'Dreadful Tenku Peke Ji Ken'.

Unlock Pilaf Machine:
Win the level 2 Super World Tournament.

Unlock Spopovich:
Win the level 3 World Tournament.

Unlock Tambourline:
Complete Dragon History Dragonball saga 'Revenge of Goku'.

How to get 100

Here are the steps for 100

1. Get 100 on Dragon History.

2. Unlock every character

3. Get 100 on the potara list.

4. Have all the red potara characters

5. Have some good potara on all characters without red potara.

6. Distribute your Z-Points to all characters until it maxes out

7. Unlock survival mode

8. Beat all the tournaments without loosing.

9. Beat Sim Dragon

10. Beat Mission 100

11. Try to do all moves without fail (Not an option for 100)

12. Have Z-Points between 10,000-50,000.

13. Make a goal of beating all your friends in Duel mode.

How to unlock Goku(GT)

First you unlock the dragon ball gt saga then you complete the saga and you unlock goku gt and all his other forms in the gt series

Easy Dragon Balls

Dragonballs are hidden in every stage of story mode. To find one, estroy everything in the environment thats destructible (trees, cars, rock formations, etc.). One good stage to do it on is in the special sagas where you play against bojack as Gohan. On that stage, it will often be hidden in the buildings. However, they can still be hidden in the cars or the trees, so check everything possible.

How to do a normal instant kamahameha

You need the wild sense or afterimage , or instant transmission. Ability , if you time it right and have at least 3 ki bars, the moment you teleport hit the kamahameha move and you'll launch it :D.

Easy World Tournament

To easily win the World Tournament (the one with the ringouts):
Use a character with high attack speed like Burter or Gogeta (even saibamen works!)

They will start with full Ki. Make sure to pick one with a easy and quick blast attack (no rushes!)

When the word "Fight" appears, immediately use the blast to knock him/her off her feet and onto the ground.

Then rush to the character and keep on bashing Square so he will end up in the building behind him.

On high levels this might be a problem because they block or use sonic sway. In that case kick them into the air and use an Aerial Combo! (higher chance to knock them out of the ring with an oponnent with low health!)

Repeating this can give you a lot of Z Points, which helps you to buy the expensive "Aura Charge " Z Items!

Easier way to beat Nam in the tournament

Let Nam get the first hit then he will fly into the wall and you will win! (If he stops at the wall charge at him and press triangle 3 times.)

18 kiss

To get this item you should win the mode sim dragon

Red Shenron

Do not listen to people who say:To face Red Shenron you have to gather the Dragonballs for a second time. At the First time I used the Dragonballs Red Shenron appeared.It's just from luck. If you want to face a specific dragon use the Dragonballs and if you face another one reset your console or just do not save untill the right one comes up.

To get Dragonballs

There are a few ways to get them by repeating a stage the Demon King Piccolo stage dash through all buildings the first Cell Game match dash through ground And the General blue battle dash through buildings I hope ya'll enjoy.

Dragon balls

After you summon shenron will the dragon balls be all back in the same spots:for example in Dragon History mode.Oh! Also do you have to collect balck dragon balls to summon red shenron?

Super Easy Way To Get The Dragon Balls. (Lol. Balls.)

I know this has ALWAYS worked for me. Go to Z Battle Gate. (of course) And go to a story part where you're in Kamis Lookout. Just destroy the one building and there'll be a different Dragon Ball  there everytime!

Spirit bomb one hit one die

First of all you have to be goku-mid do give me energy 3 times to do this your opponent must have 3 bars do this and they will die in one hit !!!!!

Goku becoming kaioken longer

Durin the character selction screen, pick goku early. When ge.you start the battle, press l2 and o. You should be able to use kaioken, but you'll lose power. When your energy gauge goes up 3 keep on pressing l2 and o so you can become kaoken as long as you want. Also if you do kaioken attack while in kaioken form, it will cause more damage.

What!!! More Wishes!!

It does not matter if you are a fan or not of Dragon Ball Z you should know which planet is which. Okay?
Step One: Gather all 7 Dragon Balls
Step Two: See Shenron
Step Three: Try and get the Dragon on Namek that looks like a green fish and he will give you 3 wishes not like lousy Normal Shenron or Red Shenron who only give you 1 Wish after all you did work hard to get all 7 Dragon Balls. Other cheats on this Site tell you how to do that.[Pick Which Dragon] Have Fun!

Powerful Ultimate Move

When doing a team battle choose spopavich and Babadi.
have Spopavich first and use his ultimate move as many times as you can and then switch to babadi and use his Ultimate move it should do at least 42,000 damage

How To Put On Red z Items On Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3

Most Players Know How To Put Blue,Yellow, And Purple
Z Items But If Not I'll Tell You Go On To Evolution Z
Remember Though This Only Works With the Good Not The Evil How You Can Is When You Are Looking Through The Charactors It will show On The Left A Dragon Ball It Will Either Be Orange Which Is Good Or Blue Which Is Bad When You Pick Your Charactor That Has An Orange Dragon Ball You Click On It And It Will Say Equip Item Then You Just Equip It Like A Normal Z Item It Works For Me It Should Work For You!By Mystery Helper101

easy dragon balls

Go to a level in the city that is short in dragon history(the story mode).I do the second battle with Bojack.Start crashing into buildings,cars,and trees.Keep doing that until you find a dragon ball.Once you find the ball,defeat the level.Keep doing that until you are able to summon Shenron.It takes not long to get all of them.

Beam Burst Mode

If time it just right and stay a few feet away from an enemy you can enter beam mode, you can either learn the enemies pattern , for example: vegeta likes to stay away from you or attack , when he powers up and is a few feet away from you it means hes about to launch his attack thats your time to launch yours. :D hope helps.

Goku(Mid)Spirit Bomb:

When playing as Goku(Mid) you can make your Spirit Bomb the most powerful finishing move in the game.In the fight don't transform but charge your Spirit Bomb by pressing L2+circle.You must have stock gauges.Do this tree times and you can kill Enemy with single blow.

Arale in tournament

If you have trouble in tournaments try using Arale. What you do is make her use punches and she will charge while attacking. Then you use Ping! To get rid of 8000 to 10000 health. If Arale gets weak run away until she has 3 blast stocks and use Excited to gain one health bar.

New Attacks

Special Blast:
Press and hold Square to send your opponent flying. Then Press Triangle and any direction, Triangle and any direction, Tringle (if it doesnt work just keep pressing trinagle). You will vanish and hit them, then vanish and hit them, then vanish and hit them with a special blast.

Special Blast:
Press x (when nexto opponent) and triangle. With some characters you will just punch them but with others you will hit them with a special blast

Z Burst Dash
Press L2 and x, to dragon dash at them, then while you are dashing at them press L2 and x again and you will Z burst Dash at them (this is a even faster dash)

Gogetas attacks

This really does s*cks but Gogeta (ss4) has the same exact attacks!!
Spl 1: big bang kamehameha

Spl 2: ultimate high speed attack

Ult spl: 100x big bang kamehameha

Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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