Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution


Unlock Alternate Outfits:
At the 'Character' selection screen hold 'Start' and keep it held down and then press 'X' and the characters alternate outfits will become available for selection.

Unlock Trophy:
To get the small trophy above your characters life bar you have to clear ALL 26 subjects in Trial Mode. (Trial mode is found under Training Mode).Original stages:-

1. Go to (Sega Area Uptown) stage in 'Quest' mode to open 'Virtua Fighter 4' stages
2. In (VS. Mode) press down Start whilst choosing a stage to play original version


1. Go to (Sega Area Uptown) stage in 'Quest mode'
2. Buy ability to fight as Dural from the shop
3. In (VS. Mode) highlight top left corner of selection screen to select Dural
- Training

Series 1 - [b,f,P+K] -> High throw
Series 2 - [d,P+K,b] -> [K] (opponent behind)
Series 3 - [P+K] (opponent behind) -> back dash -> [b,b,K,P+K]
Series 4 -
[db,K+G] -> [P+K] (opponent behind)
Series 5 - [D,f,P+G] -> [b,f,K+G] -> [d,K] (opponent behind)
Series 6 - [d,P] -> [D,f,P]
Combo 1 - [b,b,K,P+K] -> [b,f,P+K,P,P]
Combo 2 - [b,b,K,P+K] -> [K,K]
Combo 3 - [b,b,K,P+K] -> [D,f,P] -> [b,f,P+K,P,P]
Combo 4 - [D,f,P] -> [b,f,P+K] -> [F,K,K]
Combo 5 - [D,f,P] -> [b,f,P+K] -> [d,K,K+G]
Combo 6 - [D,f,P] -> [b,b,K,P+K] -> [f,K]
Combo 7 - [D,f,P] -> [b,b,K,P+K] -> [b,f,P+K,P,P]
Combo 8 - [b,f,P+K,P,P] -> [D,f,P] -> [b,f,P+K,P,P]
Combo 9 - [P+K] -> [F,P] -> [F,K,K]
Combo 10 - [D,f,P+G] -> [d,P] -> [b,f,P+K,P,P]
Reward for completing the exercises

- Miscellaneous

| Preface |

First of all, I would like to clarify that I am not an expert player of
Virtua Fighter series... I just like this game a LOT :) This reference
material is free for personal use and I hope you'll find it useful.

Please do not hesitate to email to me at should you
have any suggestion.

Cheers :)

P/s. Don't forget to send USD1 to my paypal account,
... just joking (but I don't mind if you really do so :p)

| Lion Rafale |

| Background |

Country : France
Gender : Male
Blood Type : AB
Job : College Student
Hobby : Skateboading
Stature : 171 cm
Weight : 63 kg
B/W/H : 90/84/88
Fighting Style : Tourou-Ken

After two defeats at previous Tournaments, Lion returned home doubting his
own abilities. Proud of his son despite his losses, Lion's father encouraged
him to return to training and helped him regain his pride. A few months
later, the invitation for the Fourth World Fighting Tournament arrived. With
renewed confidence, Lion left home, claiming, "I am the only one who will
win the championship!"

| Legends |

Directions and Movements
[lowercase] indicate player should only TAB the directional pad/stick towards
the specific
direction, whereas [UPPERCASE] indicate a player should HOLD the

pad/stick towards the specific direction.

[u] = tab direction UP [U] = hold direction UP
[d] = tab direction DOWN [D] = hold direction DOWN
[f] = tab direction FORWARD [F] = hold direction FORWARD
[b] = tab direction BACK [B] = hold direction BACK
[df] = tab direction DOWN+FORWARD [DF] = hold direction DOWN+FORWARD
[db] = tab direction DOWN+BACK [DB] = hold direction DOWN+BACK
[uf] = tab direction UP+FORWARD [UF] = hold direction UP+FORWARD
[ub] = tab direction UP+BACK [UB] = hold direction UP+BACK

[n] = Neutral
[BF] = Buffered, input the command during the execution of previous move
[HCB] = half circle backward, same as [f,df,d,db,b]
[HCF] = half circle forward, same as [b,db,d,df,f]
[270B] = 3/4 circle backward, same as [u,uf,f,df,d,db,b] or [d,df,f,uf,u,ub,b]
[270F] = 3/4 circle forward, same as [u,ub,b,db,d,df,f] or [d,db,b,ub,u,uf,f]
[FC] = Rising from crouching position

7 8 9 There are also some FAQ uses the numbers on a keypad as shown at the
\|/ left to indicate movement direction.
/|\ Since the numbering system is more for advanced player and
not so

1 2 3 suitable to be used on this FAQ, I would use the direction abbreviation.

[f,f] = Forward dash
[b,b] = Backward dash
[df,df] = Crouch dash forward
[db,db] = Crouch dash backward

[f,F] = Run forward

Movement Substitution
[D,f,...] can be substitude by [df,df,f,...] and [db,db,f,...].

H = High P = Punch
M = Mid K = Kick
L = Low G = Guard

EL = Elbow KN = Knee
SH = Shouder SK = Sidekick
HD = Head SS = Summersault / Back-flip Kick

DH = Double Hand BT = Back-turned
DL = Double Leg
CK = Circular Kick
BC = Body-check (Akira only)

PFUH = Player down, Face-Up, Head OFUH = Opponent down, Face-up, Head
PFDH = Player down, Face-down, Head OFDH = Opponent down, Face-down, Head
PFUL = Player down, Face-Up, Leg OFUL = Opponent down, Face-up, Leg
PFDL = Player down, Face-Down, Leg OFDL = Opponent down, Face-down, Leg

PBKW = Player back near wall OBKW = Opponent back near wall

| MoveList |

Striking Attacks Command Hit Damage
------------ ------- --- ------

Tousui P H 10

Koushu Rensui P,P H,H 10,10
{Double Poke}

Renkan Senshou P,P,P H,H,H 10,10,12
{Double Poke, Slash}

Rensui Mabanshu P,P,b,P H,H,H 10,10,30
{Double Poke, Turn-a-round Slash}

Rensui Soushu P,P,d,P H,H,L 10,10,20
{Double Poke, Low Slash}

Rensuitai P,K H,H 10,20
{Poke,Turning Kick}

Katousui d,P L 8
{Low Poke}

Ryusei Koushugeki d,db,b,P M 20
{Sabaki Poke}

Banchu f,P M 14

Banchu Renkanshu f,P,P M,M 14,18
{Elbow~Lugging Poke}

Shippo Shousenshu D,f,P M 22

Senshippo f,f,P M 18
{Lugging Poke}

In'you b,P M 16
{Step-in Poke}

Ni In'you b,P,P M,H 16,18
{Step-in Double Poke}

Senshou Haiten b,b,P H 14,BT
{Turning Slash}

Shinpo Tourou Soushu b,df,P L 15
{Lugging Low Poke}

Sen'inshou df,P M 14
{Upper Slash}

Rakugekishou df,P,P M,M 14,20
{Upper Slash~Beatdown Slash}

Soukoushu D,df,P L 12
{Low Poke}

Rensou Koushu D,df,P,P L,L 12,16
{Double Low Poke}

Tougekisui db,P L 12
{Dodging Poke}

Tougeki Rensui db,P,P L,L 12,8
{Dodging Double Poke}

Touku Gekishou uf,P M 25
{Leaping Slash}

Senshintai K H 25
{High Kick}

Rensentai K,K H,H 25,20
{High Kick~High Whip}

Atsutai d,K L 12
{Low Kick}

Zensoutai d,K,K L,L 12,20
{Double Low Kick}

Tousentai d,K,K+G L,H 12,30
{Low Kick~High Roundhouse}

Koushu Teishitsu f,K M 20

Fujikyaku f,f,K M 10
{Jumping Kick}

Fujin Rentankyaku f,f,K,K M,M 10,23
{Double Jumping Kick}

Koushutai b,b,K H 25,BT
{Turning Back Kick}

Senputai u,K M 25
{Hopping Kick}

Katoutai u,K,K M,H 25,24
{Double Hopping Kick}

Dantai df,K M 24
{Middle Kick}

Senkyutai db,K L,L 20,7
{Low Double Kick}

Senten Kukyaku uf,K M 20
{Flipping Kick}

Soujin Senpu P+K M 20
{Double-Handed Poke}

Touho Soushu d,P+K L 15
{Sidestep Low Swipe}
~Turn [,b] BT

Tenshin Touho Soushu f,P+K M 22,BT
{Spinning Double-Handed Poke}
~Evade [,b]
~Kyaku [,K] M 20
{Side Kick}

Takuhi Hoshinshou D,f,P+K M 20
{Fast Double-Handed Poke}

Soukoushu f,f,P+K H 14
{Step-in Face Poke}

Tourou Youzan f,f,P+K,P H,M 14,20
{Step-in Face Poke~Body Blow}

Ukoushin b,f,P+K H 10
{Fast High Poke}

Ryusei Renkoushu b,f,P+K,P H,M 10,14
{Fast High Poke~Body Poke}

Rensansui Banchu b,f,P+K,P,P H,M,M 10,14,14
{Fast High Poke~Body Poke~Elbow}

Taizan Soukoushu b,P+K H 25
~Charged M 38

Kouho Hachihonsui b,b,P+K M 14
{Backstep Upper Slash}

Juchou Senshou u,P+K M 20
{Leaping Uppercut}

Honsui df,P+K H 16
{Eye Poke}

Shaho Shasousai db,P+K L 20
{Evading Low Swipe}

Kousoutai d,K+G L 24

Tenshin Ryou'inkyaku f,K+G M 24
{Step-in Spinning Kick}

Senpu Rakukyaku b,f,K+G M 25,BT
{Cresent Kick}

Senpu Haisoushu b,f,K+G,d,P M,L 25,12
{Cresent Kick~Low Poke}

Senpu Haisoushu b,f,K+G,db,P M,L 25,12,BT
{Cresent Kick~Low Poke}

Senpu Shoukyaku b,f,K+G,d,K M,L 25,22,BT
{Cresent Kick~Low Slide}

Kasentai Haiten b,b,K+G H 24,BT
{Turning Roundhouse}

Shicchi Soutai df,K+G L 24
{Step-in Sweep}

Zensou Tenshinkyaku db,K+G L 20,BT

Mahanshu evade,P+K+G H 30
{Turn-around Poke}

Shazenho df/uf,P+K+G
~Honsui [,P] H 16
{Eye Poke}

~Shasousui [,P+K] L 20
{Evading Low Swipe}

Shakouho b,P+K+G

Back-Turned Attack Command Hit Damage
------------------ ------- --- ------
Hairensenshou P H,H 12,12
{Double Poke}

Haiho Soushu d,P L 24
{Turn-around Swipe}

Kousenkya K H 30
{Back Kick}

Kaikakyaku d,K L 20
{Shin Kick}

Haishin Senshou BF,P+K H 14
{Backhand Slash}

Haishin Sakusui P+K M 14
{Body Poke}

Senshou Haiten b,b,P H 14,BT
{Turning Slash}

Koushutai b,b,K H 25,BT
{Turning Back Kick}

Kasentai Haiten b,b,K+G H 24,BT
{Turning Roundhouse}

Throw Command Hit Damage
----- ------- --- ------
Hatoushu Shutai P+G H 40

Shichisei Tenbunchu b,P+G H 40

Haika Senten df,P+G H -

Tourou Chouhi Soukoushu df,df,P+G H 45

Tozan Honshakyaku D,f,P+G H 35

Saishu Houkou f,f,P+G H 50

Hiten Soukukyaku b,f,P+G H 50

Bokuho f,db,P+G H
~Yokushin [,d/u]
~Renkan Sakusui [,P,P,P] M,M,M 16,16,16
~Rakushu Dantai [,d,P+G] H 55
~Rakushu Soushu [,u,P+G] H 55

Tenshin Soukoushu HCB,P+G H 60

Goda Renkanheki HCF,P+G H 55

Honshin Teishitsu side,P+G H 40

Renkoushu Haishu back,P+G H 50

Down Attack Command Damage
----------- ------- ------
Rakusenshu df,P 12

Hiten Rakutai u,P 25

| Training |
| Trial - Series |

Series 1 - [b,f,P+K] -> High throw
Exercise: After [b,f,P+K], use a high throw!

After hitting with [b,f,P+K], follow with a throw. Succeed 3 times to
complete the exercise.

Series 2 - [d,P+K,b] -> [K] (opponent behind)
Exercise: After turning your back, use the fastest high attack to interrupt
your opponent's counterattack!

After hitting with [d,P+K,b], follow with [K] (opponent behind) to interrupt
the counterattack. Succeed 3 times to complete the exercise.

Series 3 - [P+K] (opponent behind) -> back dash -> [b,b,K,P+K]
Exercise: After doing a back dash to avoid attacks, counterattack with a
floater move!

After your [P+K] (opponent behind) has been blocked, do a back dash, then
use [b,b,K,P+K] to hit the opponent. Succeed 3 times to complete the exercise.

Series 4 -
[db,K+G] -> [P+K] (opponent behind)
Exercise: From the back turned position, use a mid attack to interrupt
the opponent!

After turning your back with [db,K+G], follow with [P+K] (opponent behind),
and interrupt your opponent's [d,P]. Succeed 3 times to complete the

Series 5 - [D,f,P+G] -> [b,f,K+G] -> [d,K] (opponent behind)
Exercise: After making a combo from the throw, continue to attack your
recovering opponent!

After following [D,f,P+G] with [b,f,K+G], use [d,K] (opponent behind) to
interrupt the opponent's [d,P] after they recover. Succeed 3 times to
complete the exercise.

Series 6 - [d,P] -> [D,f,P]
Exercise: After attacking with [D,f,P], respond with the correct action
for the situation!

Follow [d,P] with [D,f,P], and if the opponent floats, make a midair combo.
If the opponent guards the attack, use [P+G] to escape the throw. Succeed
5 times in a row to complete the exercise.

| Trial - Combos |

Combo 1 - [b,b,K,P+K] -> [b,f,P+K,P,P]
Exercise: Make a combo with [b,b,K,P+K] -> [b,f,P+K,P,P]!

After floating your opponent with [b,b,K,P+K], follow with [b,f,P+K,P,P] to
finish the combo. Succeed 3 times to complete the exercise.

Combo 2 - [b,b,K,P+K] -> [K,K]
Exercise: Use [b,b,K,P+K] -> [K,K] to make a combo!

The foot position will be open when the exercise begins. From here, use
[b,b,K,P+K] to float the opponent, then follow with [K,K] to finish the
combo. Succeed 3 times to complete the exercise.

Combo 3 - [b,b,K,P+K] -> [D,f,P] -> [b,f,P+K,P,P]
Exercise: Use [b,b,K,P+K] -> [D,f,P] -> [b,f,P+K,P,P] to make a powerful

When [b,b,K,P+K] connects for a counter hit, hit the floating opponent with
[D,f,P], then use [b,f,P+K,P,P] to finish the combo. Succeed 3 times to
complete the exercise.

Combo 4 - [D,f,P] -> [b,f,P+K] -> [F,K,K]
Exercise: Use [D,f,P] -> [b,f,P+K] -> [F,K,K] to make a combo!

Your [D,f,P] will be a counter hit. When the opponent floats, use [b,f,P+K],
followed by [F,K,K] to make the combo. Succeed 3 times to complete the

Combo 5 - [D,f,P] -> [b,f,P+K] -> [d,K,K+G]
Exercise: Make a combo against heavyweights with [D,f,P] -> [b,f,P+K]
-> [d,K,K+G]!

Your [D,f,P] will be a counter hit. When the opponent floats, use [b,f,P+K],
followed by [d,K,K+G] to make the combo. Succeed 3 times to complete the

Combo 6 - [D,f,P] -> [b,b,K,P+K] -> [f,K]
Exercise: Make a combo with [D,f,P] -> [b,b,K,P+K] -> [f,K]!

Your [D,f,P] will be a counter hit. When the opponent floats, use [b,b,K,P+K],
followed by [f,K] to make the combo. Succeed 3 times to complete the exercise.

Combo 7 - [D,f,P] -> [b,b,K,P+K] -> [b,f,P+K,P,P]
Exercise: Use [D,f,P] -> [b,b,K,P+K] -> [b,f,P+K,P,P] to make a combo!

Your [D,f,P] will be a counter hit. When the opponent floats, use [b,b,K,P+K],
followed by [b,f,P+K,P,P] to make a combo. Succeed 3 times to complete the

Combo 8 - [b,f,P+K,P,P] -> [D,f,P] -> [b,f,P+K,P,P]
Exercise: Make a combo with [b,f,P+K,P,P] -> [D,f,P] -> [b,f,P+K,P,P]!

Whe you attack with [b,f,P+K,P,P], the third hit will be a gut collapse.
During the gut collapse, float the opponent with [D,f,P], then follow with
[b,f,P+K,P,P] to finish the combo. Succeed 3 times to complete the exercise.

Combo 9 - [P+K] -> [F,P] -> [F,K,K]
Exercise: Make the [P+K] -> [F,P] -> [F,K,K] beatdown combo!

After hitting the opponent into the beatdown position with [P+K], input
[F,P] a little slowly, then finish the combo with [F,K,K]. Succeed 3 times
to complete the exercise.

Combo 10 - [D,f,P+G] -> [d,P] -> [b,f,P+K,P,P]
Exercise: Use [D,f,P+G] -> [d,P] -> [b,f,P+K,P,P] to make a damaging combo!

After your [D,f,P+G] throw connects, dash briefly before entering [d,P],
then when the opponent floats, strike with [b,f,P+K,P,P] to complete the
combo. Succeed 3 times to complete the exercise.

Reward for completing the exercises
Dunno... not able to complete all exercises...


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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