Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

Unlock Extreme difficulty mode

To unlock Extreme difficulty mode beat the game once.

Dog Tag Know How

Dog tags are hidden on many of the soldiers. If an enemy has one, you ll see a glowing spot on their chest where the tag would hang.

You'll need to surprise them at gunpoint (Hold Square when near them), then walk over (hold L1 while holding square) to stand in front of them. Point the gun at their face, and eventually they'll shake with fright and drop the tags.

Once you pick them up, you can view them from the title screen in the Special Menu. To obtain the tags from the 'persistent' soldiers, do the above, and then Shoot them in the hand or near their face. That will get them to co-operate.

Obtain Bandana (Unlimited Ammo)

Clear the game on Extreme Mode (If you just clear the Tanker Mission, it will become available only on the Tanker Mission. Same goes for the Plant Mission).

Obtain Digital Camera

Clear the game on Normal Mode (If you just clear the Tanker Mission, it will become available only on the Tanker Mission. Same goes for the Plant Mission).

Unlock Alternate Title Screen

Clear the game on any difficulty setting.

Unlock Separate Missions

Clear the game on any difficulty level and you will be able to play the Tanker and Plant Missions separately.

View Dog Tag Locations

Clear the game on any difficulty setting and you will be able to view the locations of all the dog tags. Go to the Special menu, then Dog Tag Viewer. When you highlight a missing dog tag you will see it's location at the top of the column.

Incrase 'Grip Level'

In Raiden's mission, go to Strut D (Sediment Pool) and go to the upper level.
Then stand near the railing (recommened to do it near a stairset) and press TRIANGLE to start climbing. Then press X to relese the rail and quickly tap TRIANGLE to catch the rail below. After that press TRIANGLE to climb up and quickly go back above. Do it a few times and your grip level will be incrased.
The maximum grip level is 3.

Get Sea Lice rank

To do this crawl on the sea lice and let them eat your rations then go to your items menu and it will tell you about sea lice and if you complete the game with sea lice attached to your rations then you get the rank of SEA LICE.

Bandana (gives you infinite ammo)_-Beat the game,Select Tanker,Get over 30 dog tags.

Blue Wig (gives you infinite 02)_-Collect all the dog tags.

Brown Wig (unlimited ammo for Raiden)_-Beat normal mode with more than 100 dog tags.

Orange Wig (infinite grip)_-Beat the game with 150 dog tags.

Shaver_-Grip yourself over behind the caged fence when you start with Raiden.
Stealth Camo_- Beat the game. Select "Tanker". Get more than 60 dog tags.
Stealth Camo #2_-Beat the game with 120 dog tags.

Sunglasses for Snake and Raiden_-Complete the game twice on the same save file

When you fight Olga Gurlokovich when she runs across the screen shoot her in her armpits then you get a message from Otacon.

He says thats no way to treat a lady.

Do that again then she throws her gun in the water and walks towards you then shoot away, then when she is ninja and knocks you out when your in the torture part near the end.

She will say I'll come back after making love to solid snake.

1st cheat ever!

Hear some cool things from Emma Emerich!

At the part where you have to use the sniper rifle to protect Emma, quickly get out the D-microphone and point it at her. she will say loads of stuff about how she feels about what she is doing.Also, take the sniper rifle and shoot her with it. Then very quickly get out the D- mic to hear her insult you. Try it. ITs really amusing!

P.S. The site rocks! keep it up!


Don't rush through areas where there loads of cameras and guards.

You should take your time and figure out the best way past them. You are a lot less likely to be seen this way.

Reduce chance of being seen:

When guards and cameras are in your way, take your time and do not rush. Taking your time and thinking of all the ways of bypassing them is the best way of getting past the guard or camera.

Attract and destroy enemies without being near them:

Attract enemies by stepping on things that make loud noises. They will investigate the noise. Note: Enemies have to be near your position to hear the noise. You can also knock on walls to lure enemies. Place C4 on the surface where the enemy will be coming from before he or she arrives. Hide, and when the enemy gets near the C4, blow it up.

Defeating enemies:

When faced with a single enemy, quickly go for his/or her radio or arm.

Enemies run away:

If you have been spotted, also try taking out your biggest gun. At times, your enemies may get scared and run.

No reinforcements:

If you have been found, equip a small weapon and shoot

their codec so no reinforcements can be called.

Reduce chance of being seen:

When guards and cameras are in your way, take your time and do not rush. Taking your time and thinking of all the ways of bypassing them is the best way of getting past the guard or camera.

Using pipes:

When you see a guard next to a pipe ( which may be hot) shoot where you want the steam to hit your enemy. If the steam hits his leg, he will start to limp. If the steam hits his arm, he will be unable to use his gun or weapon. If the steam hits his radio he will be unable to call for back up.

freaky picture

During the tanker missions when you have the camera and you are traversing the soldiers when you take a picture of the screen while the commanders face is on there you will find some sort of face and when you send the pictures to otacon he will say "AHHH! what are you trying to do snake get me possessed,im gonna throw up" and his little dude in the bottom left turns green

how to get the psg1 t

When you go to get e.e when you see peters dead body come out you keep going in on the airvent there are stinger missles then you go up and you see the psg1 t and it is a tranquilizer sniper rifle

Overhead suprise :)

When you start off in the game of metal gear solid 2 and you receive a camera.
Take pictures of funny and obscured things...such as the pictures inside all of the lockers and some sleeping guards and maybe some guards in their underwear.
Then go to the second part of the tanker where you see a broadcast of the commander or chief of the military on a overhead screen. Locate the overheads/projectors in the back of the room and make sure not to get to close to them. Then press x by them. If you are close enough in range or have enough pictures it will flip over to show some pretty funny things on the overhead board. And all the guards will turn to watch the other screen.

europeon extreme

Only attempt this when you have infinite ammo wig, and bandana and stealth and the other 2 wigs orange and blue

Go through tanker with stealth until olga comes along. 2 bullet can kill you always aim for the head okay, when your going into the holds and million guads come in it gets a bit tricky don't let them throw granades

In plant it is smooth sailing until fortune. She shots 2 rail gun blasts at the same time. Two should kill you. Hide inside your box and move left to right. Even sometimes the rail gun blasts glitch up and go through you it happened to me 40 times. Fatman is suprisingly easy in E-Extreme. The bombs are annoying but hes weak. NOW the harrier jet will take you a good 2 hour practise run until you can beat him. One rocket can kill you and 2 vulcan cannon bullets can kill you. When he says I will shred you to pieces thats when he uses the vulcan cannon. Hide in the box and behind the big steel pylon in the bottom floor. Now when it goes side on view and he shots rockets at you he shots 50 of them (i have counted) this is basically impossible and the only thing that can help you in a glitch. Vamp takes a while to one slash can kill you and 2 throwing knifes can kill you. Use the stinger missile for good hits. Vamp 2 when hes killing emma is easy 12 bullets should kill him. Now when your naked you have no stealth so be careful and follow a route with stupid guards. When you have learnt the skills of the blade don't use it use the M4 and wear body armor don't worry about ammo snake has infinite. When you in the circle area it is impossible to die seriously it's to easy use the HF blade for this. Now for the 25 metal gear rays this is the one which should take you a week of planning and loss of eyesight to finish. The knee rockets kill you instantly, the bullets from there hands kill you in 2 and the rockets on there back and the mouth laser kills you in one it oh and also te stomping kills you in one hit. When your getting choked before the solidus battle use a turbo controller and hold the triangle button it's impossible to press triangle 40 times a second. Now solidus is easy use non leathal blade becuase kicking is requied for this battle to distract him. Also use the guard button with the blade and you will be fine

Hideo Kojimas Photo

On the Tanker mission, when you are in Hold 2, look at the projection screen on the right when it has the video projecting on it and take a photo with the Camera. When you do this the game directors face (Hideo Kojima) will appear on the screen.

Note: This will not work if you use the Digital Camera.

Solidus (Extreme)

I Just Completed MGS2 On Extreme, And Beat Solidus Without Losing Any Health

All You Have To Do To Do This Is Simple

Kill Him Using Lethal("Red" Sharp Side Of The Blade) Methods As Each Attack Is Worth More Damage Than Non-Lethal("Blue" Back Side Of The Blade) Methods

At First, Solidus Won't Fire His Electro-Powered Missiles (He Will Only Do This When He Has Lost About 1/6th Of His Health) And When He Does, Flip-Attack Straight To Him (You Don't Need To Hit Him) And His Missiles Will Be Useless (And He Will Stop At 2 If You Get There Fast Enough) You Can Evade His Attacks By Using The Flip Attack (Running, X) And It's Also Useful When You're On Fire. It Can Also Be Used To Knock Solidus Off His Feet.

The Best Combos Are Horizontal Slice (Right Analogue Stick Right) Horizontal Slice (Right Analogue Stick Left) Lunge (Press Right Analogue Stick In)

When You Have Got Him Down To Half-Life He Will Eject His "Extra Arms" And Begin To Attack You With High-Speed Charges And Faster Swipes With His 2 Swords. When He Charges At You, Face Where He's Coming From And Flip-Attack Him, This Will Knock Him Down And He Will Be Unable To Attack You. If You Get Set On Fire Flip To The Edge And Jump Off (But Press Triangle To Climb Back Up Straight Away) This Delays Your Health And You Don't Lose As Much!

Remember That Nearly All Of His Attacks Can Be Blocked With L1 (His Sword Strikes,His Outstretched "Tenticle Arms" And His Kicks) The Ones That Can't Be Blocked Are: The Low Swipes (Where He Tries To Trip You Up) The High-Speed Charge (After He Loses Half His Health) And When He Jumps Off The Building At The Side Of The Battle-Ground.

Bar Trick

Do this in deck 2 port, after shooting the semtex control boxes, run up the corridor until you see a guard, hide in the opening to the right until the guard gets close, then press L2 to peek around the corner, there is a metal bar on the wall next to you that will fall and make noise, causing the guard to investigate [dont worry, he wont see you if you keep your back against the wall]. During this time, another guard will walk down the hall, startling the other guard and causing them to look at each other [if you are trying to get dog tags you can pull off a double freeze [ONLY WITH THE M9]because the usp light will draw attention. From there, obtain their tags and tranquilize/kill them and your on your way.

Otacon moments

When you are Snake, you have a camera, take pictures of all the posters on those lockers that you see, like girls, or that picture where it shows a guy with no T-shirt on. At the end when you have to send pictures of the Metal Gear, send those other pictures instead! You will get some weird emotions from Otacon.

Find Ames without interruption

When you get to the part where your mission is to find Ames, go to the B2 floor of the shell 1 core. After grabbing the Directional Microphone, go to the right of that room where there are 4 lockers. If you look in First Person View, you will see a Book on top of it. Punch at the locker it is on top of. After Raiden performs his spinning kick, 5 Books will fall to the floor. Grab them all, and head to B1. Watch the Guard's path. Find an open spot that he goes to, that also has no hostages nearby (such as in between the tables, or by the counter), and put one book down. He will stop and look at it, giving you a few minutes that you can use to find Ames. After a bit, the book disappears, and you can just put another one down for him. This also helps, because he won’t hear it if you ask the wrong hostage and they make noise.

Infinity ammo and Stealth Camo

Item Description Dog Tags


Bandana Infinite ammo:..........collect 46
Stealth Stealth:................collect 78


Infinity Wig Infinite ammo:.........collect 73
Stealth Stealth:...............collect 121
Wig B Infinite grip:.........collect 170
Wig A Infinite O2:...........collect 218

Dog Tags:

1.To get a dog tag, go up to a sentry from behind or out of it's view.
2.Take out your gun, and you will Snake/Raiden say "freeze".
3. Run to his front, and go into first person view.
4. Point your gun to his head or lower abdomen.
5. He will shake and his Dog Tag will come out.
6. But Sometimes he doesn't yield. Then shoot hin in the foot or hand (if yo use a stinger missile or grenade launcher, all of them will yield with no problem).

Codec funny moments

After defeating Olga, walk up to her and call Otacon to get a message that she looks like an angel.

After defeating Olga, walk up, and in first person view, shoot her in the head with the M9. Otacon will call saying he cannot believe you.

When on the Plant mission, after getting the Socom, go to the roof of strut A. Use your M9 to put the birds to sleep when they land, then shoot them with the Socom. After killing enough birds, you will get a call asking if you are done being mean to the birds.

Look at the bugs in the Plant mission and call the Colonel (140.85) to get an explanation of why they are there.

Keep calling people on the Codec to get more story elements. Keep calling until they give you control tips, or repeat themselves a few times. This works at a number of times in the game -- try it after every major plot point.

When you are in the B1 level of the Shell 1 Core (the room where the hostages are being kept), try to do a flip to knock out at least three of the hostages. After a while you will receive a call from your CO and Rose saying what a mean person you are for harming those poor defenseless hostages.

Immediately after you first meet Pliskin, stay in the room where he is sleeping on the stairs and call him on the Codec (141.80). He will be asleep and Raiden will watch him. Call a few more times to hear him dreaming about Meryl and Liquid Snake

How to be SNAKE in the Plant

First you have to beat the game in any of the difficulties. Then go to new game and select extreme as the difficulty. When you are in the plant chapter you have to look for four Easter Island statues. They look like brown stones that resemble a flat face. You then have to shoot them in the head with the socom. After you shoot all four you playas snake for the rest of the game.

The statues are located in the computer room of Shell 1, one is in the vents where you shoot the nikita to destroy the control panel (you have to look for it, it is hidden in one of the other paths. You can destroy the grills on the vents with 3/4 sitgers). There is one in the flooded area of shell 2(when you get in the water it should be to the hallway right in front of you and it will be in a box like the ones for ammo. You have to get out of the water when you get it and go to the items menu and select it. Raiden will set it on the ground and then you shoot it.) The last one is on top of the lockers where you find Emma. Once you shoot it you should become snake.

Fun with enemy soldiers

Right ok to do this hold a soldier up from behind, then shoot their radio, then shoot their right or left leg and lastly shoot their right arm. Now knock them out and when they wake up they won't be able to run, fire their AKS-74U or AN94 and they won't be able to call for backup so you can do what you want with them.

Funny marines

(To do this you will need stealth)On the tanker in the holds 1,2,3 equip stealth and go to the corner of where the marines are standing, do a punch,punch, kick on the corner marine if you are skilled it will knock over two more marines and then those two will knock over four etc. (if you knock ove rmost of the marines your game might go slow for a minute but don't worry it's just trying to cope with all the question marks above their head)

Hold up with style

Go behind a guard and hold him up with your gun (not a tranquiliser or a one shot kill gun e.g. Nikita, stinger, RGB6 ), then while behind him shoot his radio, then shoot his LEFT leg, then shoot his RIGHT arm. Then take your gun off and make sure he sees you.

If you do this successfully he will have an exclamation mark above his head, he will then try to contact back-up but you broke his radio, he will put his radio back and attempt to shoot you but if you shot him in the RIGHT arm he will not be able to, then he will limp to another area to find a guard... Now do whatever you wish haha it's amazing try it...

Vamp domination

To easily kill vamp in the filtration chamber use stinger missiles. When the fight starts and hes bowing, GET HIM THEM!! Easy hit the when he jumps out after swimming hit him then as well.

Th kill vamp fater with the sniper rifle, get his head, you can kill him in about 3 shots this way.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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