Guitar Hero

Cheat Mode

At The main menu, quickly press Yellow,Orange,Blue(2),Orange,Yellow(2).To unlock all bonuses.You can not save the game after you use the code.


At the 'Main' menu quickly enter the following codes to enable the corresponding effect, if you have entered the code in correctly you will see a confirmation message on screen. Repeat the code to disable the effect.

Unlock ALL:
Enter Yellow, Orange, Blue, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Yellow.

Rock Meter Always Stays Green:
Enter Yellow, Blue, Orange, Orange, Blue, Blue, Yellow, Orange.

Unlock Hero Guitar:
Enter Blue, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Blue.

Player uses Air Guitar:
Enter Orange, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Orange.

Venue Disappears:
Enter Blue, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Orange.

Crowd has Monkey Heads:
Enter Blue, Orange, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Blue, Orange.

Crowd has Skull Heads:
Enter Orange, Yellow, Blue, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Blue.

Unlock Guitar God Status

You will get this status when you complete ALL the songs including the Bonus tracks in Normal, Hard and Expert modes with a five star rating

Unlock The Battle Axe

You will need to Complete:

Career Mode on Expert Difficulty.

 Unlock all cheats- At the Main Menu, press Yellow, Orange, Blue, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Yellow.

Guitar Hero Guitar Cheat- At the Main Menu, press Blue, Orange, Yellow, Blue, blue.

Crowd Meter Cheat- At the Main Menu, press Yellow, Blue, Orange, Orange, Blue, Blue, Yellow, Orange.

Monkey Head Crowd Cheat- At the Main Menu, press Blue, Orange, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Blue, Orange.

Skull Head Crowd Cheat- At the Main Menu, press Orange, Yellow, Blue, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Blue.

Air Guitar Cheat- At the Main Menu, press Orange, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Orange.

No Venue Cheat- At the Main Menu, press Blue, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Orange.

Unlock All Songs

At the main menu press: yellow, orange, blue, blue, orange, yellow, yellow
To unlock all of the songs

Skull Heads for the Crowed: Orange, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Orange
Monkey Heads For the Crowd: Blue, Orange, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow
Rock Meter Always Green: Yellow, Blue, Orange, Orange, Blue, Blue, Yellow, Orange
Unlock Hero Guitar*: Blue, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Blue
Venue Dissapears**: Blue, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Orange
UNLOCK ALL: Yellow, Orange, Blue, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Yellow
*The Hero Guitar looks like the Guitar Hero Controller
**Venues are the places in Career Mode where you do Live Shows

Guitar Hero Hints



on tour mode when it goes to select your difficulty click on medium hard or expert to get the shop


For: Beginners
Notes: Green, Red and Yellow
Overview: This level is for people who have just started, never picked up or even touched the game, or for people who just want to listen to the game's rendition, (version,) of some sweet songs. Notes come slowly, and are very easy to hit.
Advice: If you need help on Easy, either start playing another game, or have your friends lob rocks at you to practice your hand-eye coordination and reflexes, cause you are either a noob, or a sorry excuse for a gamer. (No offense)

For: Novices (A bit better than beginner; someone who has mastered Easy and needs a challenge)
Notes: Green, Red, Yellow and Blue
Overview: OK, getting a bit more challenging here. You ready for this, maggot?! You better be, because this time, the notes are a bit faster, and now your pinky gets to join in the finger exercise program, and his best friend/target is the blue button. (If you don't know what blue is, go to the eye doctor for you being color blind, or get off the computer, and get your mommy to drive you down to the nearest preschool, cause you need help!!!) This time around, the notes are faster and tighter together, with the addition of chords (two notes together). It's like Easy was Kindergarten, and now you're in Elementary school.
Advice: Use your pinky to hit those blue notes; not your ring finger, cause that's just asking for a cramp.

For: People who think that just because they got through Medium with flying colors, they can breeze through Hard, and just need a good kick in the @$$.
Notes: Green, Red, Yellow, Blue, and Orange
Overview: Alright, you passed Medium and feel pretty good about yourself. Well, bottle up that feeling, put it on the closest shelf in your mind, and hold onto it for dear life, cause if you're not totally prepared, Hard is going to rip you to shreds like a lion to a steak around your neck. And, introducing... The orange button! This is where it gets tricky and annoying. You'll now have to shift your hand down to hit that orange note with your pinky, and then back to get a green note or two. Only for people who are confident in themselves, or for those who want to get sick of this game, but can't because it's too addicting to stop and it's eating up your free will. I should know; Look at me: I'm actually spending my valuable time writing this crap to help all you people, when I should be studying, or hanging out with my gf.
Advice: Stretch out that pinky, because that orange note's a bitc*!

For: (Duh!) Experts
Notes: All five
Overview: Take your scariest horror film, and skip ahead to that scene where the girl is about to get it and lets out that high-pitched scream. Guess what? That's what your going to be doing when your done humiliating yourself. When you're down on the ground, rocking back and forth in the fetal position sucking your thumb wishing you still had your security blanket, listening to the video crowd booing you off the stage, you'll be thinking to yourself: "Why?! What made me stupid enough to think I could still do this?! Why didn't I just stay in the safety and security of the Hard area?!" In other words: IF YOU EVEN THINK OF DOING EXPERT, DROP THE GAME RIGHT NOW, AND KEEP BANGING YOUR HEAD WITH A SNOW SHOVEL UNTIL THAT SUICIDAL, UNHOLY THOUGHT GOES OUT WITH HALF YOUR MEMORY AND YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS! Unless, that is, you think you're good enough. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Advice: Just steer clear of this level entirely, until you can play 'Cheat on the Church" on hard with 100% of the notes hit.



When playing Expert or Hard follow these tips:

Index Finger- Green Button
Middle Finger-Red Button
Ring Finger- Yellow Button
Pinky- Blue Button

When you get to the orange buttons use any finger(reccomened'excuse
Spelling' pinky) As Soon as the oranges are over put your pinky back on blue and Don't lose beat.

--Using your Chakra--

For the ninjas out there...Heres a hint:

Playing songs that are hard to you, is like using chakra, To play really good, let your chakra recharge for next time.

Easier fingerings

Easy: Green, Red, Yellow
Medium: Green, Red,Yellow, Blue
Hard: Green, Red, yellow, Blue, Orange
Extreme: (same as hard)

Easy- these fingerings are simple. All you need to do is make sure that your pointer finger is on green, your middle finger is on red, and your third finger is on yellow.

Medium-The fingerings get tougher here, you may get confused on where your fingers are, so always make sure that your third finger is on the yellow button,
And use your pinky for the blue button. Not your third finger or any other finger, your pinky.

Hard- On hard, you may notice that the speed has increased. And you have to use the orange button here.Now it gets REALLY confusing! Your pinky may say "What the heck?!?" you do slide your hand down too, get used to that. But in some cases, you have to stretch your pinky to press orange. For example, you may have to hold orange and blue. And don't stretch your finger when you have to hold yellow and orange, move your hand down. You'll get used to the orange button over time.

Extreme- I don't really have hints on Extreme, all I can say is practice alot on Hard. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---G=green, R=Red, Y=yellow, B=Blue, O=orange---
Having trouble with fast notes?
*Practice going down and up fast like for example, G R Y B Y R G again and again.
*If you strum one way, try strumming both ways, practice it and you will learn to strum both ways on beat.

Having trouble with chords?
*The one that I have most trouble with is R and B, But now I'm really good at it from practicing songs with alot of chords in them, like "I wanna be sedated" on Medium or harder.

Way Down in Red?Save star power in case if you go far into the red zone. Use it if you if you are close or in danger. Use it right and you will go streight to green.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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