Onimusha 3: Demon Siege Cheats

Unlock 'The Adventures of Heihachi' Mode

This mode will become an available option when you Complete the game. In this mode you play as Heihachi Buraiden.

Unlock Mini-Games

Unlock Oni Training Mini-Game:
This bonus training session is unlocked when you complete every training session and beat the game.

Unlock Oni Target Practice Mini-Game:
Complete the game on the Normal difficulty setting. In this game you use guns or arrows to pick off Genma eggs that go by on tracks.

Unlock Adventures of Heihachi Mini-Game:
This short storyline featuring Heihachi is unlocked when you complete the game on the Normal difficulty setting. 

Unlock Genma Puzzle Space Mini-Game:
This mini-game is unlocked when you solve ALL the Puzzle Treasure Boxes and complete the game. 

Unlock Alternate Costumes

Unlock Michelle Aubert's Alternate Costume:
Complete the game on the Normal difficulty setting.

Unlock Michelle Aubert's Alternate Costume #2:
Complete the game with an Onimusha rank or play the game with amemory card with a saved game from 'Onimusha: Blade Warriors'.

Unlock Jacuqe Blanc's Alternate Costume:
Complete the game on the Normal difficulty setting.

Unlock Jacque Blanc's Alternate Costume #2:
Complete the game with high scores as Jacques or complete the game wearing Samanosuke’s alternate costume.

Unlock Samanosuke Akechi's Alternate Costume:
Complete the game with high scores as Samanosuke or complete the game while wearing Jacque's alternate outfit.

Unlock Samanosuke Akechi's Alternate Costume #2:
Have an 'Onimusha: Blade Warriors' saved file in your memory card.

Unlock Panda Costume:
Complete Secret Training mode or play the game with a memory card with a saved game from 'Onimusha: Blade Warriors'.

Unlock Difficulty Modes

Unlock Easy Mode:
This mode is unlocked when you die 3 times in a stage while playing on Normal mode.

Unlock Hard Mode:
Beat the Normal difficulty setting to unlock the Hard mode.

Unlock Devilish Mode:
Beat the Critical difficulty setting to unlock Devilish mode. 

Unlock Bonus Modes

Unlock Critical Mode:
Beat the game on the Hard difficulty setting. In this mode only critical hits will kill enemies.

Unlock Ultimate Mode:
Complete the Oni Target Practice mini game. In this mode each character will start with their most powerful weapon, 10 talismans, infinite Oni power, infinite bullets, infinite arrows and 30 medicines. Every weapon that is collected will be at it's max level. 


Original Onimusha Swords:
To have all three swords from the original Onimusha successfully complete the game with all the three items from the Phantom Realms or play the game with a memory card with a saved game from Onimusha: Warlords.

Bishamon Sword:
To get a Bishamon sword complete the game with a Onimusha rank or get it in the Phantom Realm in Honnouji when Sam goes back to the past.

Ako's Black Haori:
To unlock Ako's Black Haori successfully complete Issen/Oni training.

Unlock Alternate Ending Sequence:
To view the alternative ending sequence increase all seven Haori of Ako to the maximum. To be able to do this all Kodama have to be found.

Unlock the extended ending

For a longer ending find all of Ako's vests.

Max Out Health

Finish the game one time using hard mode.

Now start a new game and during gameplay press L1, L2, R1, R2, Circle Square, Square, Triangle, Circle.

Purple Vest

Complete the Demon Realm in Mont-Saint-Michel with Jacque to unlock Ako's Purple Vest.

This Vest decreases the amount of Oni power used (when you atack with the swords) by Half.

Samonsuke Weapons

Raizan=Thunder element no charge attacks can be obtained from thunder seal from dr .Attack power rating:8/9, Special thunder shock

Enryuu=Fire element no charge attacks can be obtained from fire seal from dr
Attack Power Rating:8/9, Special fire blast

Shipuu=Wind element no charge attacks can be obtained from wind seal from dr
Attack power 8, special tornado

Tenso=light element charge attacks obtained in Arc of triumphe: Attack power 7/8

Special ten slashs
Kuga = wind element charge attacks obtained in Notre Dame : Attack Power 7-9
Special wind wave can chop in half

Chigo=Earth Element charge attacks obtained in under sea temple Attack power 8/9 special eruptions

Bishamon Sword=Dark element charge attacks obtained in dark realm attack power 9/10 special semi invincble slash

Onimusha sword=Oni element charge attacks obtained in final battle Attack power 10+

A Bunch Of Stuff

New Ending:

Find all Kodama which you will need and increase all 7 Haori of Ako to maximum.

Get Hard Difficulty:

Finish the game using normal difficulty.

Get Easy Difficulty:

Lose the game 2 times using the normal difficulty setting.

Get Issen Difficulty:

Finish the game using the hard difficulty setting.

Get Oni Hard Difficulty:

Finish the game using the Issen difficulty setting.

Unlock Panda Costume:

Finish secret training mode OR play the game with a memory cardwith a save game from Onimusha Blade Warriors.

Get Michelle's New Outfit:

Finish the game using normal difficulty.

Get Michelle's New Outfit:

Finish the game and get a Onimusha rank. OR play the game with a memory card with a save game from Onimusha Blade Warriors.

Get Jacuge's New Outfit:

Finish the game using normal difficulty.

Unlock Puzzle Mini Game:

Finish all the puzzles in the game.

Unlock Ako's Black Haori:

Finish Issen/Oni training.

Unlock Bishamon Sword:

Finish the game and get a Onimusha rank OR get the sword when Sam goes to the Past in the Phanton Realm in Honnouji.

Get All 3 Original Onimusha Swords:

Finish the game and have 3 items from the Phanton Realms and start a new game.

Unlock Ultimate Mode:

Finish the Oni Shooting Mini Game.

This will start the game with unlimited arrows, bullets, Oni Power, 10 Talismans, 30 medicines, Jacque with best Oni Musou and Sam with Bishamon Sword.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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