Crash Nitro Kart Cheats


FMV Sequences -
To unlock the corresponding FMV sequence at the Extras menu you have to complete the following tasks:

Team Bandicoot -

Challenging Nash:
Win six trophies

Nash Loses:
Get two keys

Challenging Geary:
Win twelve trophies

Geary Loses:
Get four keys

Challenging Krunk:
Win three trophies

Krunk Loses:
Get one key

Challenging Norm:
Win nine trophies

Norm Loses:
Get three keys

Play As Zam:
Win the Purple Gem Cup to unlock Zam

Play As Zem:
Win the Green Gem Cup to unlock Zem

Challenging Velo:
Get four keys

Losing to Velo:
Get four keys

Defeat Velo without 100%:
Get four keys

Defeat Velo with 100%:
Get four keys, thirteen Relics

Play As Real Velo:
Get two Scepters to unlock Real Velo
Get good  tracks
When you have compet the game go in adventure mode with: team bandicoot or team cortex. Press the start button and R1+L1 and write in own off theese cheats and press X to complet the cheat.

To get fake crash press:

To get pura press:

To get N.Tropy press:

What Boosts Unlock

Fake Crash:
50+(fifty or more) boosts with Team Cortex in Adventure Mode

50+(fifty or more) boosts with Team Bandicoot in Adventure Mode

Hyper spaceway short cut

Go through the first portal and on to the blue track that is in space,then go through the next portal on to the rock like leges then do a boost power slide then hop and do another boost power slide and go to the left ege of the leges and hop of while boosting to the left of the closest green light and land on the other pasage keep going and hop over the crack then go off the jump ahead [remember to hop] instead of going left in to the two sharp turns. This will get you way ahead of your opponont if done right.

play as n. trophy

Beat all of n. Trophy ghost racers in time trial

play as pura

Get at least 50 boosts on a single track as team bandicoot

play as fake crash

On a single track get 50 boosts as team cortex

play as dingodile

Win the red gem cup

Missiles can be tough to get away from, but there are a few thicks you acn try to get out of their path. The easiest way to escape a missile is to drop an item(like a TNT crate or an ice mine)behind it. The closer the missile is when you do this, the better chance you have of blocking it.

The 50 boosts thing will be good with Crunch or Tiny.Also you need to be on Deep Sea Driving.Hope it works!

Don't bother getting real Velo

Real Velo is one of the most terrible characters in the game.

If you try and unlock him, you're wasting your time. However, if you want to do it to complete the game, be my guest.

You'll be gutted if you do, especially as you have to complete the game with 105% TWICE!! 

N.Tropy is by far the best player.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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