Medal of Honor Frontline Cheats

If you're struggling with this game and could do with a bit of help try entering the codes below. To enter the code just pause gameplay and if the code has been entered correctly the game will automatically resume.

Unlock Invincibility:
Press Square, L1, Circle, R1, Triangle, L2, Select, R2.

Unlock Infinite Ammunition:
Press Circle, L2, Square, L1, Select, R2, Triangle, Select.

Unlock Bullet Shield:
Press Circle, Select, R2(2), R1(2), L1, R1.

Unlock Cheat Mode:
At the Enigma machine enter the password 'DAWOIKS'. If the password has been entered correctly green lights will flash as confirmation and you will now be able to enable or disable any cheats in the game by selecting the 'Bonus' option under the Enigma Machine. Unlock 'Our Trip to Holland'
At the password screen enter 'FRESHDEMO' without the quotes to unlock the 'Our Trip to Holland' demo. There is a 30 second delay at the Main menu before it begins.

Level Passcodes 

ORANGUTAN = unlocks Mission 2 of 6 (A Storm in the Port) 
CHIMP = Unlocks mission 4 of 6 
BABOON = unlocks Mission 3 of 6 (Neddle in a Haystack) 
LEMUR = unlocks Mission 5 of 6 (Rolling Thunder) 
GORILLA = unlocks Mission 6 of 6 (The Horten's Nest)

Orangutan=unlocks missions 2 0f 6 a storm in hthe port
Chimp=unlocks missions 4 of 6
Baboon= unlocks missions 3 of 6 needle in a hay stack
Lemur=unlocks missions 5 of 6 rolling thunder
Gorrilla=unlocks missions 5 0f 6 the hortens nest

Whille playing the game go into the start menu and enter the following the cheat will work if the resumes straight away

Unlock invincibility square L1 circle r1 triangle L2 select r2
Unlock infinity ammo circle L2 square L1 select r2 triangle select
Unlock bullet shield circle l2 square r2 r2 r1 r1 L1 r1
Enter in the enigma machine and unlock all meadals and all bonuses

In play game cheats

During game play pause the games and enter

Never die
Square, L1, circle, R1, triangle, L2, select, R2

Unlimited ammo
Circle, L2, square, L1, select, R2, triangle, select

A Lot of cheats For MOH frontline

During game play pause the game. If code are enter correct game will unpause by it self.

For God Mode Enter
Square, L1, O, R1, Triangle, L2, Select, R2
Note: Only Works on the level you enter it on, there for you need to enter on all levels.

Unlimited Ammo
O, L2, Square, L1, Select, R2, Triangle, Select
Note: Only Works on the level you enter it on, there for you need to enter on all levels.

From the main menu to the Options, then go to password. Then enter these codes. If Code are enter correct green Light will flash. If wrong red light will Flash.

For MOHtn Torpedo

Silver Bullet(One Shot Kill Them)

Bullet Shield

Perfectionist (One Shot Kill You)

Invisible Enemy

Achilles Heads (Only Head Shot Kills them)

Rubber Grenades

Men With Hats

Snipe-O-Rama (All Weapons)

Finish Previous Mission with Gold Star

Skip Mission and get Gold

Unlock Everything

Then after entering the codes go to the Bonus and turn them on.

Note there is 9 medals. Pass all level with gold to get a medals
Army Distinguished Service Medal
A Storm In The Port 
Army Commendation Medal
Needle IN A Haystack 
Soldier’s Medal
Several Bride Too Far 
Dutch WWII Commemorative Cross
Rolling Thunder 
Legion Of Merit
The Horten’s Nest 
Distinguished Service Flying Cross
Pass the Game will give you two medals 
Silver Star 
Distinguished Service Cross
Pass the game with gold in all levels will give you 
EA Los Angeles Medal Of Valor

Snipers rule!!!

If you run out of ammo for a sniper rifle a lot, go to the type writer and put longshot so you can zoom every gun you have.(pistols,shotguns,smgs,rifles.)

Ultimate.... ammo

KEY,, []= square

Unlimited Ammo,

Press start, O, L2, [], L1, SELECT, R2, /\, SELECT

Everything Cadabra

If you have just bought the game ,you can bet you want a nice and easy way to beat it. First you go to options, then you go to the type writer. After that you press the x button you will be using the type writer and then you type DAWOIKS then you press the snd or send key at the bottom.

If you have done it correctly you should hear a beep beep beep. The you will be at options menue again and you will need to press the right arrow and then x so you are at a menu type picture. You will be able to select if you want to have a rocket for a gun and then if you want to kill natzi soldiers with one shot you select the next one and so on and so on. You will even be able to select the levels by going to the white folder while at the main menu. Have fun cheating.

Invincibility and unlimited ammo

Pause game play then press square, L1,O,R1,Triangle,L2,select,R2.

Unlimited Ammo
Puase game play then press O,L2,Square,L1,select,R2,triangle,Select


While starting the game press start and than press: 

Square,L1,cirkle,R1,triangle,L2,select,R2 after pressing the code the game will continue straight.

these cheats have to be entered at the opitons menu

Bulletzap No Bullets Can Hit U
Glassjaw Only Head Shots Kill
Urtheman A Single Shot Kills U
Habrdashr Germans wear strange hats

Longshot All weapons have zoom abilat
Whatyouget oneshotkills
Tpdomohton Fire photon torpedoes instead of bullets

One Hit Kills:

Enter WHATYOUGET at the Enigma machine to kill nazis with one hit.

Bouncing grenades:

Enter BOING at the enigma machine and your grenades will bounce forward untill they explode.

Sniper Zoom with any gun:
Enter longshot at the enigma machine and you'll be able to zoom like a sniper rifle on any gun.
Note:you have to turn on any cheats at the bonus screen


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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