Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

Casino Items and Dodgy Dave Trades

Casino Items 
To get the following items when you're playing the Casino games you have to spend the indicated amount of tokens.

Magic Water: 100 Tokens at Pickham 

Silver Platter: 500 Tokens at Pickham 

Agility Ring: 1,000 Tokens at Pickham 

Titan Belt: 1,500 Tokens at Pickham 

Rune Staff: 3,000 Tokens at Pickham 

Platinum Headgear: 5,000 Tokens at Pickham 

Prayer Ring: 1,000 Tokens at Baccarat 

Spangled Dress: 3,000 Tokens at Baccarat 

Saint's Ashes: 5,000 Tokens at Baccarat 

Falcon Blade: 10,000 Tokens at Baccarat 

Liquid Metal Armor: 50,000 Tokens at Baccarat

Gringham Whip: 200,000 Tokens at Baccarat 

Dodgy Dave Trades 
You get the following by trading with Dodgy Dave when he opens his special shop.

Bandit Axe: Trade Ring of Immunity 

Big Boss Shield: Trade Crimson Robe 

500 Gold: Trade a Special Medicine 

1,200 Gold: Trade a Reinforced Boomerang 

6,000 Gold: Trade Robe of Serenity 

Happy Hat: Trade Sandstorm Spear


Unlock Alternate Costumes

Magic Bikini (Jessica):
Equip the Magic Bikini on Jessica.

Jessica's Outfit (Jessica):
Equip Jessica's Outfit on Jessica.

Divine Bustier (Jessica):
Equip the Divine Bustier on Jessica.

Dancer's Costume (Jessica):
Equip the Dancer's Costume on Jessica.

Dangerous Bustier (Jessica):
Equip the Dangerous Bustier on Jessica.

Bunny Girl (Jessica):
Equip the Bunny Ears, Bunny Suit and Fishnet Stockings on Jessica.

Dragovian Armor (Hero):
Equip the Dragovian Armor and Dragovian Helmet on Hero.

Dodgy Dave's Hidden Shop

Bandit Axe:
Give Dodgy Dave Ring of Immunity

Big Boss Shield:
Give Dodgy Dave Crimson Robe

Happy Hat:
Give Dodgy Dave Sandstorm Spear 

500 Gold:
Give Dodgy Dave a Special Medicine 

6000 Gold:
Give Dodgy Dave Robe of Serenity. 1200 Gold:
Give Dodgy Dave a Reinforced Boomerang.

Unlock Bonus Dungeon:
Beat the game to get a bonus dungeon called Dragonvian Trials.

Second Ending:
Beat the bonus dungeon (Draonvian Trials) and the final Boss again.
Medal Rewards:
The following is a list of the rewards when you cash in your Mini Medals to Princess Minnie.

28 Mini Medals - Fishnet Stockings 

36 Mini Medals - Posh Waistcoat 

45 Mini Medals - Staff of Divine Wrath 

52 Mini Medals - Gold Nugget 

60 Mini Medals - Meteroite Bracer 

68 Mini Medals - Miracle Sword 

75 Mini Medals - Sacred Armour 

83 Mini Medals - Orichalcum

90 Mini Medals - Metal King Helmet 

99 Mini Medals - Dangerous Bustier 

110 Mini Medals - Flail of Destruction 

Monster Arena Prizes
The following is a list of rewards you get from Morrie when you reach a certain Rank in the Monster Arena.

Reach Rank A - Unlock Rank S 

Reach Rank A - Hero Spear 

Reach Rank B - Second Monster Team 

Reach Rank B - Bardiche of Binding

Reach Rank C - Saint's Ashes

Reach Rank D - Mighty Armlet 

Reach Rank D - Three Additional Reserve Monster Slots 

Reach Rank E - Ring of Clarity 

Reach Rank E - Call Team Ability For Hero 

Reach Rank F - Option To Fight Against Your Team 

Reach Rank F - Bunny Suit 

Reach Rank G - Strength Ring 

Reach Rank G - Three Additional Reserve Monster Slots 

Reach Rank S - Dragon Robe 

Reach Rank S - Hero Statue

Reach Rank S - No Entry Fees


Alchemy Recipe for Hammers

Megaton hammer = Uber war hammer + Conquerer's axe + Orichalcum
Sledgehammer = Giant mallet + Iron helmet + Iron helmet
Uber war hammer = War hammre + Mighty armlet
Alchemy Recipe for Helmets
Bronze helmet = Stone hardhat + Bronze knife + Bronze knife
Bunny ears = Hairband + Bunny tail
Feathered cap = Leather hat + Chimaera wing
Fur hood = Feathered cap + Fur poncho
Golden tiara = Thinking cap + Silver tiara + Gold nugger
Hades' helm = Mythril helm + Saint's ashes
Happy hat = Feathered cap + Elevating shoes
Hermes' hat = Feathered cap + Mercury's bandana
Mercury's bandana = Bandana + Agility ring
Mythril helm = Hades' helm + Saint's ashes
Phantom Mask = Iron headgear + Dark robe
Pointy Hat = Leather hat + Iron mail
Raging bull helm = Mythril helm + Cowpat + Fresh milk
Scholar's cap = Magical hat + Scholar's specs
Silver tiara = Coral hairpin + Silver platter
Skull helm = Sun crown + Devil's tail
Stone hardhat = Stone axe + Pointy hat
Sun Crown = Skull helm + Saint's ashes
Thinking cap = Scholar's cap + Iron headgear
Turban = Bandana + Bandana

Alchemy Recipes for Accessories

Agility ring = Prayer ring + Seed of agility
Catholicon ring = Full moon ring + Ring of truth + Ring of immunity
Elevating shoes = Fishnet stockings + Happy hat
Full moon ring = Gold ring + Poison moth knife
Goddess ring = Recovery ring + Orichalcum
Holy talisman = Tough guy tattoo + Holy water + Gold rosary
Life bracer = Recovery ring + Gold bracer
Meteorite bracer = Agility ring + Agility ring + Orichalcum
Mighty armlet = Strength ring + Titan belt
Prayer ring = Gold ring + Seed of Magic
Recovery ring = Prayer ring + Seed of life
Ring of awakening = Gold ring + Dream blame
Ring of clarity = Gold ring + Fallen angel rapier
Ring of immunity = Gold ring + Poison needle
Ring of truth = Gold ring + Sandstorm spear
Ruby of protection = Prayer ring + Seed of defence
Scholar's specs = Ring of awakening + Ring of clarity + Seed of wisdom
Skull ring = Sorcerer's ring + Devil's tail
Sorcerer's ring = Skull ring + Saint's ashes + Saint's ashes 
Strength ring = Prayer ring + Seed of strength
Titan belt = Leather kilt + strength ring
Alchemy Recipes for Armor

Angel's robe = Flowing dress + Magical skirt
Bandit mail = Heavy Armour + Bandit axe + Bandit's grass skirt
Boxer shorts = Bandit's grass skirt + Bandana
Bronze armour = Chain mail + Bronze shield
Bunny suit = Silk bustier + Bunny tail
Chain mail = Wayfarer's clothes + Chain whip
Crimson robe = Sage's robe + Magic water + Nook grass
Dancer's mail = Silver mail + Dancer's costume
Dark robe = Cloak of evasion + Devil's tail + Wing of bat
Divine bustier = Dangerous bustier + Shimmering dress
Dragon mail = Silver mail + Dragon scale + Dragon Scale
Fur poncho = Magic beast hide + Magic beast hide
Gigant armour = Bandit mail + Mighty armlet + Mighty armlet
Iron cuirass = Iron shield + Iron shield
Leather armour = Wayfarer's clothes + Magic beast hide
Leather dress = Dancer's costume + Magic beast hide
Leather kilt = Leather whip + Bandana
Magical skirt = Bandit's grass skirt + Magical hat + Magical mace
Magic armour = Full plate armour + Prayer ring + Ruby of protection
Metal king armour = Liquid metal armour + Slime crown + Orichalcum
Mirror armour = Sivler mail + Mirror shield + Mirror shield
Platinum mail = Zombie mail + Saint's ashes
Princess's robe = Angel's robe + Gold rosary + Shimmering Dress
Robe of serenity = Cloak of evasion + Boxer shorts
Sage's robe = Magic vestment + Scholar's cap
Scale armour = Chain mail + Bronze shield
Shimmering dress = Sprangled dress + Ruby of protection + Gold bracer
Silver cuirass = Iron cuirass + Silver platter + Silver platter
Spiked armour = Magic armour + Edged boomerang
Templar's uniform = Way farer's clothes + Templar's shield
Wayfarer's clothes = Plain clothes + Plain clothes
Zombie mail = Platinum mail + Devil's tail
Zombie mail = Silver mail + zombiesbane
Alchemy Recipes for Axes

Bandit axe = Battle-axe + Thief's key
Golden axe = Iron axe + Gold nugget
Iron axe = Farmer's scythe + Farmer's scythe
King axe = Golden axe + Slime crown
Moon axe = Golden axe + Moon's mercy
Stone axe = Stone hardhat + Cypress stick
Alchemy Recipes for Boomerangs

Flametang boomerang = Swallowtail + Flame shield
Metal wing boomerang = Razor wing boomerang + Metal king spear
Razor wing boomerang = Edged boomerang + Wing of bat + Steel scythe
Reinforced boomerang = Boomerang + Iron nail
Alchemy Recipes for Bows

Cheiron's bow = Eros' bow + Power shield
Eros' bow = Hunter's bow + Garter
Hunter's bow = Cypress stick + Cypress stick + Strength ring
Hunter's bow = Short bow + Chain whip
Odin's bow = Cheiron's bow + Eros' bow + Great bow
Alchemy Recipes for Cheese

Angel Cheese = Fresh milk + Premium mould + Yggdrasil dew
C-c-cold cheese = Cold cheese + Premium mould + Dragon dung
Chilly cheese = Cool cheese + Waterweed mould
Chunky cheese = Plain cheese + Magic water
Cold cheese = Chilly cheese + Waterweed mould + Waterweed mould
Cool cheese = Plain cheese + Waterweed mould
Cured cheese = Fresh milk + Premium mould + Amor seco essence
Hard cheese = Plain cheese + Rock salt
Highly-strung cheese = Super spicy cheese + cold cheese + Rock salt
Mild cheese = Plain cheese + Amor seco essense
Plain cheese = Fresh milk + Rennet powder
Plain cheese = Scorching cheese + C-c-cold cheese
Scorching cheese = Super spicy cheese + Premium mould + Dragon dung
Soft Cheese = Fresh milk + Rennet powder + Rock salt
Spicy cheese = Plain cheese + Red mould
Super spicy cheese = Spicy cheese + Nook grass
Super spicy cheese = Spicy cheese + Red mould + Red mould
Alchemy Recipes for Daggers

Assassin's dagger = Eagle dagger + Poison needle
Falcon Knife = Slime earrings + Tough guy tattoo + Agility ring
Imp knife = Assassin's dagger + Devil's tail
Alchemy Recipes for Shields

Bronze shield = Leather shield + Bronze knife
Dragon shield = Steel shield + Dragon scale + Dragon scale
Flame shield = Magic shield + Flametang boomerange
Goddess shield = Thanatos' shield + saint's ashes
Ice shield = Magic shield + Icicle dirk
Leather shield = Pot lid + Magic beast hide
Magic shield = Steel shield + Prayer's ring + Ruby of protection
Metal king shield = Ruinous shield + Saint's ashes + Orichalcum
Power shield = Magic shield + Strenght ring + Cured cheese
Ruinous shield = Metal king shield + Devil's tail
Saintless shield = Mirror shield + White shield + Holy water
Scale shield = Leather shield + Dragon scale
Silver shield = Mirror shield + Amor seco essence + Magic water
Templar's shield = Iron shield + Templar's uniform
Thanatos' shield = Goddess shield + Devil's tail
White shield = Iron shield + Silver platter
White shield = Light shield + Fresh milk + Fresh milk
Alchemy Recipes for Spears
Demon spear = Battle fork + Poison needle + Devil's tail
Holy lance = Long spear + Gold rosary
Iron lance = Cypress stick + Dagger
Long spear = Cypress stick + Cypress stick + Iron lance
Sandstorm spear = Partisan + Saint's ashes
Alchemy Recipes for Staves

Magma staff = Wizard's staff + rockbomb shard
Staff of antimagic = Wizard's staff + Rune staff
Staff of resurrection = Rune staff + Life bracer + Yggdrasil leaf
Alchemy Recipes for Swords
Blizzard blade = Bastard sword + Icicle dirk + Cold cheese
Copper Sword = Bronze knife + Bronze knife
Double-edged sword = Uber double-edge + Devil's tail
Dragon slayer = Dragonsbane + Mighty armlet
Fallen angel rapier = Holy silver rapier + Devil's tail + Wing of bat
Holy silver rapier = Templar's sword + Holy talisman
Liquid metal sword = Rusty old sword + Slime crown + Orichalcum
Mercury's rapier = Fallen angel rapier + Mercury's bandana + Mercury's bandana
Rusty old sword = Liquid metal sword + Mystifying mixture + Cowpat
Shamshir of light = Rune staff + Light shield + Shimmering shoes
Uber double-edge = Double-edged sword + Saint's ashes + Saint's ashes
Uber falcon blade = Falcon blade + Meteorite bracer
Uber miracle sword = Miracle sword + Life bracer
Zombie slayer = Zombiesbane + Holy talisman
Alchemy Recipes for Usable Items
Amor Seco Essense = Holy Water + Strong Medicine
Chimaera wing = Wing of bat + Wing of bat
Elfin elixir = Yggdrasil dew + Magic water
Greater panacea = Lesser panacea + Rose-root + Rose wort
Greater panacea = Special medicine + Special medicine + Special Medicine
Holy water = Amor seco essense + Rock salt
Lesser panacea = special medicine + special medicine
Magic water = Holy water + Seed of magic
Moon's mercy = Moonwort bulb + Moonwort bulb + Moonwort bulb
Mystifying mixture = Holy water + Wing of bat + Cowpat
Mystifying mixture = Medicinal herb + Antidotal herb + Moonwart bulb
Strong Medicine = Medicinal Herb + Medicinal Herb
Special Medicine = Strong Medicine + Strong Medicine 
Rose Root = Medicinal Herb + Medicinal Herb + Medicinal Herb
Rose Root = Strong Medicine + Medicinal Herb
Rose-wort = Medicinal herb + Medicinal herb + Moonwart bulb
Rose-wort = Strong medicine + Moonwart bulb
Sage's stone = Gold nugget + Orichalcum + Yggdrasil dew
Special Antidote = Medicinal Herb + Antidotal Herb + Antidotal Herb
Special Antidote = Strong Antidote + Strong Antidote
Strong Antidote = Medicinal Herb + Antidotal herb
Timbrel of tension = Sun crown + Tough guy tattoo + Magic beast hide
Yggdrasil dew = Yggdrasil leaf + Magic water
Bronze Knife + Iron Nail = Thief's Key
Alchemy Recipes for Whips
Demon whip = Scourge whip + Devil's tail
Dragontail whip = Snakeskin whip + Dragon scale + Dragon scale
Leather whip = Devil's tail + Saint's ashes
Scourge whip = Demon whip + Saint's ashes
Snakeskin whip = Leather whip + Scale shield

Easy lvl ups

Walk through the path to the ruined abbey untill you encounter a dingaling. Or use yangus's whistle. Then in battle keep pshycin up untill dingaling calls for jargon backup, then atackt it. Keep doing it as long as you want because when you reach to jargon m you have earned 1000 exp.do not attack the dingalings.

Weakest weapons you shoud equip if you are fighting Rapthorne

Hero: Liquid Metal Sword

Yangus: Hell Scythe 

Angelo: Uber Falcon Blade

Jessica: Demon Whip

Strong robe or good money.

Mix a Sage's Robe + Magic Water + Nook Grass to make a crimson robe it sells for $11,250. It's defence is 82.

The Ultimate sword

Dude you guys want this sword it's call the dragovian King sword. All you need is a liquid metal sword and the dragovian sword.
Liquid metal sword + dragovian sword= dragovian king sword Attack:137

Make money with the alchemy pot.

Well, here are some good combinations to make money.

Medicinal Herb + Medicinal Herb = Strong Medicine (Sold: 88)
Badana + Bandana = Turbant (Sold: 205)

Moonwort Bulb + Moonwort Bulb + Moonwort Bulb = Moon's Mercy (Sold: 308)
Fresh Milk + Rennet Powder + Rock Salt = Soft Cheese (Sold: 600)

Super saiyan hero

If you scyche hero all the way up to 100 he'll look like Gotten...off from dbz>

Easy beginning

I just started today and already found this out. When you start after your done doing everything your suposed to and before going out to get the crystal ball do this. Talk to the girl in up stairs in the inn. Not the girl sitting down but the other girl in the morning. She will give you hints where you can find money and other items. If you collect all of the stuff you get around 300 dollar and tons of stuff. Before you go to the cave I would say you should be level 5 it makes it soooo much easier. Also you can get a free copper sword (its usually 270) by going in the cave and instead of going to where the crystal ball is go straight and open the teasure chest and there it is

Alchemy Pot Recipes

Result I tem 1 Item 2 Item 3
Agility Ring= Seed of Agility Prayer Ring
Amor Seco Essence= Strong Medicine Holy Water
Angel Cheese= Fresh Milk Premium Mould Yggdrasil Dew
Angel Robe= Flowing Dress Magical Skirt
Assassin's Dagger= Eagle Dagger Poison Needle
Bandit Axe=Thief's Key Battle Axe
Bandit Mail= Heavy Armor Bandit Axe Bandit's Grass Skirt
Blizzard Blade= Bastard Sword Cold Cheese Icicle Dirk
Boxer Shorts= Bandit's Grass Skirt Bandana
Bronze Armor =Chain Mail Bronze Shield
Bronze Helme=t Stone Hard Hat Bronze Knife Bronze Knife
Bronze Shield= Leather Shield Bronze Knife
Bunny Ears= Hairband Bunny Tail
Bunny Suit= Silk Bustier Bunny Tail
C-c-cool Cheese= Cold Cheese Premium Mould Dragon Dung
Catholicon Ring= Full Moon Ring Ring of Truth Ring of Immunity
Cheiron's Bow= Eros' Bow Power Shield
Chilly Cheese= Cool Cheese Waterweed Mould
Chimera Wing= Wing of Bat Wing of Bat
Chunky Cheese= Plain Cheese Magic Water
Cold Cheese= Chilly Cheese Waterweed Mould Waterweed Mould
Cool Cheese= Plain Cheese Waterweed Mould
Copper Sword= Bronze Knife Bronze Knife
Crimson Robe= Sage's Robe Nook Grass Magic Water
Cured Cheese= Fresh Milk Premium Mould Amor Seco Essence
Dancer's Mail= Dancer's Costume Silver Mail
Dark Robe= Cloak of Evasion Devil's Tail Wing of Bat
Demon Spear= Battle Fork Devil's Tail Poison Needle
Demon Whip= Scourge Whip Devil's Tail
Divine Bustier= Dangerous Bustier Shimmering Dress
Double-Edge Sword= Uber Double-Edge Devil's Tail
Dragon Mail= Silver Mail Dragon Scale Dragon Scale
Dragon Shield= Steel Shield Dragon Scale Dragon Scale
Dragon Slayer= Dragonsbane Mighty Armlet
Dragon Tail Whip= Snakeskin Whip Dragon Scale Dragon Scale
Dragovian King Sword= Liquid Metal Sword Dragovian Sword
Elevating Shoes= Fishnet Stockings Happy Hat
Elfin Elixer= Magic Water Yggdrasil Dew
Eros' Bow= Hunter's Bow Garter Belt
Falcon Knife= Slime Earrings Agility Ring Tough Guy Tattoo
Fallen Angel Rapier= Holy Silver Rapier Devil's Tail Wing of Bat
Feathered Cap= Leather Hat Chimera Wing
Flame Shield= Magic Shield Flametang Boomerang
Full Moon Ring= Gold Ring Poison Moth Knife
Fur Hood= Fur Poncho Feathered Cap
Fur Poncho= Magic Beast Hide Magic Beast Hide
Gigant Armor= Bandit Mail Mighty Armlet Mighty Armlet
Goddess Ring= Golden Tiara Recovery Ring Orichalcum
Goddess Shield= Thantos' Shield Saint's Ashes
Golden Axe= Iron Axe Gold Nugget
Golden Tiara= Silver Tiara Thinking Cap Gold Nugget
Greater Panacea Rose Root= Rose-Wort Lesser Panacea
Greater Panacea Special Medicine= Special Medicine Special Medicine
Hade's Helm= Mithril Helm Devil's Tail
Happy Hat= Feathered Cap Elevating Shoes
Hard Cheese= Plain Cheese Rock Salt
Hell Scythe= Hade's Helm Steel Scythe Poison Moth Knife
Hermes' Hat Feathered Cap Mercury's Bandana
Highly-Strung Cheese Super Spicy Cheese Cold Cheese Rock Salt
Holy Lance Long Spear Gold Rosary
Holy Silver Rapier Templar's Sword Holy Talisman
Holy Talisman Holy Water Gold Rosary Tough Guy Tattoo
Holy Water Amor Seco Essence Rock Salt
Hunter's Bow Short Bow Chain Whip
Hunter's Bow Strength Ring Cypress Stick Cypress Stick
Ice Shield Magic Shield Icicle Dirk
Imp Knife Assassin's Dagger Devil's Tail
Iron Axe Farmer's Scythe Farmer's Scythe
Iron Cuirass Iron Shield Iron Shield
Iron Lance Cypress Stick Dagger
Leather Armor Magic Beast Hide Wayferer's Clothes
Leather Dress Dancer's Costume Magic Beast Hide
Leather Kilt Leather Whip Bandana
Leather Kilt Magic Beast Hide Boxer Shorts
Leather Shield Pot Lid Magic Beast Hide
Leather Whip Devil's Tail Saint's Ashes
Lesser Panacea Special Medicine Special Medicine
Life Bracer Recovery Ring Gold Bracer
Liquid Metal Sword Rusty Old Sword Slime Crown Orichalcum
Long Spear Cypress Stick Cypress Stick Iron Lance
Magic Armor Full Plate Armor Prayer Ring Ruby of Protection
Magic Shield Steel Shield Ruby of Protection Prayer Ring
Magic Water Holy Water Seed of Magic
Magical Skirt Magical Mace Magical Hat Bandit's Grass Skirt
Magma Staff Wizard's Staff Rockbomb Shard
Megaton Hammer Uber War Hammer Conqueror's Axe Orichalcum
Mercury's Bandana Agility Ring Bandana
Mercury's Raiper Fallen Angel Rapier Mercury's Bandana Mercury'sBandana
Metal King Armor Liquid Metal Armor Slime Crown Orichalcum
Metal King Shield Ruinous Shield Saint's Ashes Orichalcum
Metal Wing Boomerang Razor Wing Boomerang Metal King Spear
Meteorite Bracer Agility Ring Agility Ring Orichalcum
Mighty Armlet Strength Ring Titan Belt
Mild Cheese Plain Chese Amor Seco Essence
Mirror Armor Silver Mail Mirror Shield Mirror Shield
Mithril Helm Hade's Helm Saint's Ashes
Moon Axe Golden Axe Slime Crown
Moon's Mercy Moonwort Bulb Moonwort Bulb Moonwort Bulb
Mystifying Mixture Holy Water Cowpat Wing of Bat
Mystifying Mixture Medicinal Herb Antidotal Herb Moonwort Bulb
Odin's Bow Cheiron's Bow Eros' Bow Great Bow
Phantom Mask Iron Headgear Dark Robe
Plain Cheese Fresh Milk Rennent Powder
Platinum Mail Zombie Mail Saint's Ashes
Pointy Hat Leather Hat Iron Nail
Power Shield Magic Shield Strength Ring Cured Cheese
Prayer Ring Seed of Magic Gold Ring
Premium Mold Red Mold Waterweed Mould Yggdrasil Leaf
Princess Robe Angel Robe Shimmering Dress Gold Rosary
Raging Bull Helmet Mithril Helm Cowpat Fresh Milk
Razor Wing Boomerang Edged Boomerang Steel Scythe Wing of Bat
Recovery Ring Prayer Ring Seed of Life
Reinforced Boomerang Boomerang Iron Nail
Ring of Awakening Dream Blade Gold Ring
Ring of Clarity Fallen Angel Rapier Gold Ring
Ring of Immunity Gold Ring Poison Needle
Ring of Truth Sandstorm Spear Gold Ring
Robe of Serenity Cloak of Evasion Boxer Shorts
Rose Root Medicinal Herb Medicinal Herb Medicinal Herb
Rose Root Strong Medicine Medicinal Herb
Rose-Wort Medicinal Herb Medicinal Herb Moonwort Bulb
Rose-Wort Strong Medicine Moonwort Bulb
Ruby of Protection Seed of Defense Prayer Ring
Ruinous Shield Metal King Shield Devil's Tail
Rusty Old Sword Liquid Metal Sword Mystifying Mixture Cowpat
Sage's Robe Scholar's Cap Magic Robe
Sage's Stone Gold Nugget Yggdrasil Dew Orichalcum
Saintless Shield Mirror Shield White Shield Holy Water
Sandstorm Spear Partisan Saint's Ashes
Scale Armor Leather Armor Dragon Scale
Scale Shield Leather Shield Dragon Scale
Scholar's Cap Magical Hat Scholar's Specs
Scholar's Specs Ring of Awakening Ring of Clarity Seed of Wisdom
Scorching Cheese Super Spicy Cheese Premium Mould Dragon Dung
Scourge Whip Demon Whip Saint's Ashes
Shamshir of Light Shimmering Dress Rune Staff Light Shield
Shimmering Dress Spangled Dress Ruby of Protection Gold Bracer
Silver Cuirass Iron Cuirass Silver Platter Silver Platter
Silver Shield Mirror Shield Amor Seco Essence Magic Water
Silver Tiara Coral Hairpin Silver Platter
Skull Helmet Sun Crown Devil's Tail
Skull Ring Sorceror's Ring Devil's Tail
Sledgehammer Giant Mallet Iron Helmet Iron Helmet
Snakeskin Whip Leather Whip Scale Shield
Soft Cheese Fresh Milk Rennent Powder Rock Salt
Sorceror's Ring Skull Ring Saint's Ashes Saint's Ashes
Special Antidote Antidotal Herb Antidotal Herb Medicinal Herb
Special Antidote Strong Antidote Medicinal Herb
Special Medicine Strong Medicine Strong Medicine
Spicy Cheese Plain Cheese Red Mould
Spiked Armor Magic Armor Edged Boomerang
Staff of Anti-Magic Wizard's Staff Rune Staff
Staff of Ressurection Rune Staff Life Bracer Yggdrasil Leaf
Stone Axe Stone Hard Hat Cypress Stick
Stone Hard Hat Stone Axe Pointy Hat
Strength Ring Seed of Strength Prayer Ring
Strong Antidote Antidotal Herb Medicinal Herb
Strong Medicine Medicinal Herb Medicinal Herb
Sun Crown Skull Helmet Saint's Ashes
Super Spicy Cheese Spicy Cheese Nook Grass
Super Spicy Cheese Spicy Cheese Red Mould Red Mould
Templar's Shield Templar's Uniform Iron Shield
Templar's Uniform Templar's Shield Wayferer's Clothes
Thantos' Shield Goddess Shield Devil's Tail
Thief's Key Bronze Knife Iron Nail
Thinking Cap Scholar's Cap Iron Headgear
Timbrel of Tension Sun Crown Magic Beast Hide Tough Guy Tattoo
Titan Belt Strength Ring Leather Kilt
Turban Bandana Bandana
Uber Double-Edge Double-Edge Sword Saint's Ashes Saint's Ashes
Uber Falcon Blade Falcon Blade Meteorite Bracer
Uber Miracle Sword Miracle Sword Life Bracer
Uber War Hammer War Hammer Mighty Armlet
Wayferer's Clothes Plain Clothes Plain Clothes
White Shield Iron Shield Silver Platter
White Shield Light Shield Fresh Milk Fresh Milk
Yggdrasil Dew Magic Water Yggdrasil Leaf
Zombie Mail Platinum Mail Devil's Tail
Zombie Mail Silver Mail Zombiesbane
Zombie Slayer Holy Talisman Zombiesbane


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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