Kingdom Hearts

Unlock Expert Mode

When prompted to select the difficulty setting at the beginning of the game chose the 'Difficult' option and then when you are in the room with the sword, staff, and shield, pick the sword. This setting is considered Expert mode. When you complete the game in Expert mode you will be able to see your overall statistics and some artwork.

Unlock Alternate Ending Sequence

Complete the game with ALL Keyholes locked (including The Book Of Pooh), 99 Dalmatians rescued, and the Hades Cup won to view an alternate ending sequence.

Unlock Hidden Trailer

If you remain idle at the 'Start' screen for about a minute an intermission sequence will begin to play and you will be able to view a trailer afterwards.

Kingdom Hearts cheats

Magic Upgrades 

Defeat Opposite Armor in Traverse Town

Located in the room behind a Yellow Trinity in Neverland

Find all 99 of the Dalmations

Defeat Clayton in the Deep Jungle

Defeat Shadow Sora in Neverland

In the library at Hollow Bastion talk to Aerith 

Defeat Jafar in normal form at Agrabah

Defeat Jafar in genie form at Agrabah

Complete the barrel smashing training in the Colosseum

Defeat Behemoth in the Hades Cup

Find all 4 pieces of evidence in Wonderland

Recieve from princesses in Hollow Bastion

Defeat Guard Armor in Traverse Town

Defeat Ursula in large form

Defeat Cerberus the second time in the Hades Cup

Finish the Phil Cup

Defeat Oogie Boogie in his second form

Defeat Hades in the Hades Cup

Defeat Parasite Cage in Monstro

Complete the 'Pooh's Swing' mini game in 100 Acre Woods

Defeat the optional boss 'Phantom' in Neverland

New Weapons

New Weapons 

Sora, Donald, and Goofy acquire new weapons as they go through the game -- Keychains for Sora, Shields for Goofy, and Rods for Donald.

Some you get as you progress naturally through the game and some require some special tasks to be completed.

Also, go back to the Item Shop in Traverse Town now and again to see the nephews' new stock. Here's where to find what: 

Sora -- Keychains 

Kingdom Key: Default. 

Jungle King: Clear Deep Jungle. 

Three Wishes: Clear Agrabah. 

Crabclaw: Clear Atlantica. 

Pumpkinhead: Clear Halloweentown. 

Fairy Harp: Clear Neverland. 

Wishing Star: Go back to Traverse Town after clearing Monstro and see Geppetto at his shop in District 1. 

Spellbinder: See Merlin after acquiring Fire, Thunder, and Blizzard. 

Metal Chocobo: Beat Cloud in the Hercules Cup. 

Olympia: Beat Phil, Pegasus, and Hercules Cups. 

Divine Rose: Seal Hollow Bastion and see Belle in the Library. 

Oathkeeper: Talk to Kairi in the Secret Waterway after the first trip to Hollow Bastion. 

Oblivion: In the Grand Hall in Hollow Bastion, during the second trip. 

Lionheart: Beat Leon and Cloud in the Hades Cups. 

Ultima Weapon: Synthesize at the Item Shop.

Goofy -- Shields

Knight's Shield: Default. 

Stout Shield: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town. 

Smasher: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town. 

Mythril Shield: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town. 

Gigas Fist: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town. 

Golem Shield: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town. 

Onyx Shield: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town. 

Adamant Shield: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town. 

Herc's Shield: Beat the Hercules Cup. 

Genji Shield: Beat Yuffie in the Hades Cup. 

Defender: A rare item dropped by Defenders in Hollow Bastion. 

Save the King: Beat the Hades Cup time attack.

Donald -- Rods

Mage's Staff: Default 

Morning Star: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town. 

Warhammer: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town. 

Shooting Star: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town. 

Magus Staff: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town. 

Silver Mallet: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town. 

Grand Mallet: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town. 

Wisdom Staff: For sale at the Item Shop in Traverse Town. 

Lord Fortune: Get every summon and visit the Fairy Godmother. 

Violetta: White Trinity in Olympus Coliseum. 

Wizard's Relic: A rare item dropped by Wizards in Hollow Bastion. 

Dream Rod: Acquire every spell and visit Merlin. 

Save the Queen: Beat the Hades Cup solo

Different Cutscene

After you seal the keyhole in Deep Jungle there is a cutscene where all of the villians are talking to each other and then Alice(who disappeared in Wonderland) comes out of the dark. If you seal the keyhole in Wonderland before you go there than Alice will appear. If you seal the keyhole in Deep Jungle first then Snow White will come out of the dark in this cutscene.

Easy Way to Level Up

After you seal the keyhole in Hollow Bastion go to Olympus Coliseum and do all of the tournaments you haven't done. When you get the Hades Cup and get to pick the Rock Titan to battle. At the beginning cast aero so that you get more experience points. When you get to above level 80 beat Ice Titan in the Gold Match. If he is still difficult then continue to level-up. After you defeat him go and battle other optional bosses such as Phantom in Neverland at the clocktower, or Kurt Zisa in Agrabah by talking to the magic carpet in Aladdin's house. When they are all defeated battle the most difficult enemy Sephiroth. It will take multiple tries. He will give you enough experience points to get a level-up. If you still need experience points then either battle Sephiroth again or Rock titan.

Post-HollowBastion search ghosts

After sealing hollow bastion, it's hard to find some certain heartless for the gems they drop. You need a bunch of bright gems for synthesis, and the only heartless that drop them are search ghosts. Before sealing hollow bastion, you can usually find them throughout halloween town, monstro, and atlantica. Afterwards, though, they get replaced by wight knights, darkballs, and other annoying guys you don't want right now. But a sure place to find them is at the bridge in halloween town,where you can occasionally also find rare truffels. Anyway, after defeating your 4 or 8 search ghosts, go through the gate at the other side of the bridge. Jump! (how would any one survive that....?) you can find a lot of wizards here too, but search ghosts appear at a rock by the stream. If your running away from the stream, it's on the right. Towards it, it's on your left. Run around the rock a little and stand on top of it. Pretty soon you have 5 searchghosts shining bright red lights in your eyeballs. They must pay. Kill em, and if you want, afterwards run around to every rock down here and kill all the heartless here. Run back to the stream, and go into the tunnel that leads back to the bridge. On the opposite side of where you are now, theres another tunnel on the right that goes back to guillotine square. If you take it, then meander back to the bridge, regardless of whether you battle now or not, the search ghosts will be back. Unless theres rare truffels or black fungi everywhere.

Hi Potions!

If you're low on hi potions and you don't want to go back to Traverse town and spend money, go to halloween town and kill all the wight knights you can. They drop a lot of lucid gems and hi potions. After a while, you can't even collect the hi potions anymore, because you have 99!

Certain Synthesis Items

There are some items that are nothing more than a pain to get. There are some loops you can take in some worlds to get these certain gems. Heres a few of the more difficult ones.

-Bright Crystal- Defenders. 
-Shiny Crystal- Wizard.
-Power Crystal- Wyvern.
These are three really important and really annoying crystals. Best place to get them is in Hollow bastion after sealing the final KeyHole. From the gummi ship, land in Castle Chapel, and then turn into the tunnel behind you. Kill the defender there, and go in the next tunnel/staircase thing. You're back in the grand hall. Defeat all the wizards where the princesses were being held, then go up the stairs, defeat those annoying guys, then pick either left or right to go up the next set of stairs. Both have a defender at the landing so it doesnt matter which staircase you take. I normally head to the right, but thats just me. After defeating that defender, go to the big platform thing. (so descriptive, huh?) Defeat every heartless that appears there, and afterwards head down whichever side you DiDNT take coming up. Hey look! Another defender. Kill it. Head back out towards the big black doorway, where you came in, and PURPOSELY fall off the platform onto the one below. More heartless with more stuff. Kill em all. Head into the next doorway, and youre back outside. Do yourself a favor and try not to fall off of anything. Kill all the heartless that appear here, and then go around the corner. Air soldiers appear. Kill them if you like. But instead of going into the door right there, jump down to the floor below you, where you can see another door on the far side by the wall. Kill all the heartless here, and head through that door. This looks familiar. Go through the door way you see on the opposite side, and youre back on the high platform Go through the door where the air soldier was this time. Youre back in the chapel. If you go back out past the save point , and into the grand hall again, all the same heartless are there. The only difference is on the platform between the chapel and the grand hall. The defender there is gone. You can keep taking this loop for a higher chance of getting these three crystals without ever leaving the world.

Quick Leveling in Destiny Islands

Okay, so normally you would select the sword to keep and the staff to give up, and the first option of all the questions. This enables extreme strength and quick leveling throughout the game.

The V.S. Characters on destiny islands, Selphie, Wakka, Tidus, and day 1 Riku all give you experience points. However, you can use some of their attacks against them. Selphie gets you the most exp.

Selphie: 3 main attacks. Her movements and speech tell you exactly what shes about to do. Throughout the battle with her, keep LOCK ON and try NOT TO HIT HER. You want to deflect 2 of her attacks and run away from 1. 
-"Are you ready?"= She's going to swing the rope in circles above her head. As soon as she says this, run a little ways away and wait for her to come to you. When she gets really close, attack Once. She will spin in circles, but takes no damage.
-Jumps back and away from you= shes going to crouch, and then jump at you. You can run away from this easily, but you should just attack when shes right in your face. Try not to hit her, but her rope. It will hit her in the head and inflict 1 damage to her. You get 2 xp each time she does this, and she will do it repeatedly. If you actually hit her after a while though, the battle is over.
-Runs toward you without attacking- this is the only one you want to run away from. Its hard to block, even with LOCK ON. She would circle you and hit you in the back, and sora can rarely counter this.

Wakka: 3 main attacks. The blitz ball is his only weapon, but you can easily deflect it. As with selphie, you want to deflect 2 and run from 1. At the very beginning of the battle, don't move at all! Just LOCK ON. 
-"Ha!"= hes going to use his normal attack. It takes a while to get used to deflecting it, but it's not too hard. When he throws the blitzball, attack when it's a little past halfway to you. You will deflect it, and it should hit him in the head and stun him. 
-He will keep throwing blitzballs at you after hes stunned, so don't move, just keep hitting them back. He will only throw three. When hes cornered, run to the back wall and he will come towards you. You can also run up to him and hit him three times, but try hitting him more than 3 times and he will punch you in the stomach. Avoid that. I suggest just deflecting the balls he throws for more xp points.
-Rolls his shoulder, "TAKE THIS!!!"= he's going to try and hit you with a massive attack. You can deflect it, but it's not as easy as the regular attack. If you get hit by this 3 times, the battle is over. You get 2 xp for deflecting this, and 2 if it hits him.

Tidus: 3 main attacks. He Likes to close range combat, which, right now, is all sora can do. Deflecting any of his attacks is near useless, and fairly pointless. So just slash away and try not to get hit. However, he will occasionally groan and lean on his sword thing, and you can hit him with about 2 combos here. 
-Deflect= if he deflects your attack, he will flip backwards and then forwards hitting you hard.
-all else= it's just like battling another sora. Be careful.

FinFan Trio: don't know what else to call it. After defeating tidus, selphie and wakka, in no particular order, at least once, you can talk to tidus, and you have 2 battle options. 3-on-1 or 1-on-1. Oh my god this kid is so full of himself.
-they don't have any team attacks, but I guess their strength is that selphie usually circles you while wakka is using his mega attack. I normally go for selphie first, not bothering to get extra xp from her, then tidus, luring your battle with him away from wakka, then battle wakka. Hit all the balls back at him and you win 10xp and a potion.

Riku: 3 main attacks. I don't suggest battling him until you've managed to defeat the trio twice and tidus 1-on-1 three times. This is just to get used to someone who's used to close combat and someone who jumps around. You can only battle him on day 1, because day 2 is racing him for pretty stones that are worth 5 munny each... Or just to settle the rivals' record...
-"What are you afraid of?" Hit him 2 times then jump backwards when he says "MY turn!" You don't want to lose too much hp right now. He doesnt attack much, but rather counter-attacks. Attack him until he falls backward, then get the heck out of the way!
-If hes on his back on the ground, he's using a counter attack. You do not want to get hit by this AT ALL! Jump to the side, or start up a tree, or just jump right before he moves. Even though you can still attack him when he's like that, it's a bit of a death wish.
-"You still don't got it." Riku's really just being a jerk right now, but he will jump down and try to attack you. Attack him instead. Winning this battle gets you xp, and a potion.

Jungle World Glitch

If you go to the jungle world and enter the "swamp" where all the hippos are, you can jump up onto the trees. BUT! When you glide over to another tree (this ability has to be obtained in order for the glitch to work) you are alone. The tree is too small for Goofy and Donald to fit on too, so they fall off. When you fly to another tree top, sometimes, Goofy or Donald fly out of nowhere to the tree you're on! It's really weird!


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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